Q4. List the three basic components of theDepartment of the Navy.a.b.c.Q5. The U.S. Coast Guard operates under differentdepartments. List the department the CoastGuard operates under in the two conditionsshown below.a. Wartime—b. Peacetime—UNIT ORGANIZATIONLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Recognize the purpose and scope of theShipboard Organization and RegulationsManual.Recall the application of the StandardOrganization and Regulations of the U.S. Navyto unit organization to include ships’/commands’ organization and regulationsmanual.The purpose of a unit’s organization is to helpaccomplish the mission of that unit. Each unit has itsown mission in support of the overall mission of theNavy; however, each unit has the same basicorganization. The Standard Organizational andRegulations of the U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32, isused as a guide for unit organization.STANDARD ORGANIZATION ANDREGULATIONS OF THE U.S. NAVYStandard Organization and Regulations of the U.S.Navy describes the many aspects of the standard unitorganization. Each unit in the Navy has aship’s/command’s organization and regulations manualbased on the Standard Organization and Regulations ofthe U.S. Navy. Aboard ship, this manual is usuallyreferred to as the Shipboard Organization andRegulations Manual.SHIP’S/COMMAND’S ORGANIZATIONAND REGULATIONS MANUALThe ship’s/command’s organization and regula-tions manual governs the unit’s administrativeorganization (including watches). It governs the coordi-nation of evolutions and emergency procedures and theconduct of personnel in the unit. Its purpose is to pro-vide a ready source of information about the duties,responsibilities, and authority of unit personnel. Ships/commands usually require all newly reporting person-nel to read the manual and sign a statement to that effect.Discussing the organization of every unit in theNavy would be impossible. Therefore, you will learnabout a standard shipboard organization and a standardaircraft squadron organization in this chapter.REVIEW 2 QUESTIONSQ1. Aboard ship, you can find the ship’s organizationand regulations in what publication?Q2. List some aspects of a ship’s organization that arecovered by the Standard Organization andRegulations Manual.a.b.c.SHIPBOARD ORGANIZATIONLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Recall shipboard organization to include battleorganization and administrative organization.6-6Student Notes:
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