Damage control petty officer (DCPO)-Continued
dress requirements for repair parties, 7-6
duties and responsibilities, 7-3
functions of damage control central, 7-5
repair parties and teams, 7-5
repair party assignments, 7-6
setting material condition Zebra, 7-6
work center DCPO, 7-4
Damage control central (DCC), 7-5
Deck log, in port, 5-6
Decontamination stations, personnel 7-28
Disaster control ashore, 7-32
initial disaster relief, 7-32
investigation, 7-32
planning, 7-32
routine aid and assistance, 7-33
withdrawal, 7-33
Dogs, drug detection, 3-14
Downgrading and declassification markings, 2-36
message cancellations, 2-36
message readdressals, 2-36
minimize condition, 2-36
Drug abuse, 3-8
abuser identification, 3-13
education, 3-8
prevention, 3-14
types of drugs and their effects, 3-8
Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA), 3-21
Drugs, types of and their effects, 3-8
amphetamines, 3-10
cocaine, 3-10
codeine, 3-10
crack, 3-10
depressants, 3-11
hallucinogens, 3-11
heroin, 3-9
Drugs, types of and their effects-Continued
marijuana, 3-12
methadone, 3-10
morphine, 3-10
narcotics, 3-9
opiates, 3-9
stimulants, 3-10
volatile chemicals, 3-11
Emergency bills, 4-7
CBR defense bill, 4-8
emergency destruction bill, 4-8
general emergency bill, 4-7
man overboard bill, 4-7
Enlisted Commissioning Program, 4-20
Enlisted Performance Evaluation Report, 2-8
adverse, 2-15
avenues of recourse for adverse remarks in, 2-15
changes and corrections to, 2-17
command responsibilities for, 2-11
continuity of periods covered in, 2-13
correction of naval records pertaining to, 2-15
development of, 2-13
for other than normal evaluation categories, 2-13
form, 2-18
individual input to, 2-15
individual rights and responsibilities toward, 2-14
review of, 2-15
signature of member on, 2-17
Special Performance Evaluation Report, 2-11
supplemental reports, 2-17
timeliness of, 2-14
Enlisted safety committee, 6-4
Equal opportunity, 3-1
command enforcement, 3-4
command responsibilities, 3-3