Each person should be given the opportunityto submit information the member believes shouldbe included in the evaluation report. Personnelbeing evaluated should receive an EnlistedPerformance Evaluation Report—IndividualInput form, shown in figure 2-10. This form,often referred to as the “brag sheet, ” allowspersonnel to make specific inputs to the evaluator.As a supervisor and an evaluator, establish adeadline for submission of the brag sheet to ensureyou receive all information in time to include iton the performance evaluation report. The bragsheet may contain any factual information theperson thinks is appropriate. However, as thereporting senior, you will decide what informationthe final evaluation report will contain.The instruction covering the Enlisted Perfor-mance Evaluation Report requires commands tofully advise all members of their right to redress(to seek correction) and to provide access toreference material as appropriate. NavyRegulations, Uniform Code of Military Justice,Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN),and other directives contain information regardingindividual rights. While commanding officers maydelegate authority to sign certain enlistedperformance evaluations, they are responsible forproperly submitting evaluation reports; they maynot delegate that responsibility.Report DevelopmentAlthough you only have to submit evaluationreports on an annual basis, you should developinformation for these reports on a daily basis.Leave nothing to the chance of memory. Developan organized method of gathering enough infor-mation on which to base a thorough and accurateevaluation of a person’s performance. Whenpreparing the evaluation report, you can refer tothat information for significant facts about theperson instead of relying on your memory.Referring to that information also ensures thedevelopment of a factual report. Keep a recordof command operations and of how well thedivision or unit performed as a whole throughoutthe period of evaluation. You may find thatinformation helpful in developing individualreports.ContinuityEnlisted performance evaluations shouldmaintain day-to-day continuity beginning with theday following a person’s detachment from recruittraining. When a person is reporting to active dutyfor other than recruit training, begin theevaluation period the day the person begins travelto the duty station. When evaluating personnelwith broken service, cover periods of dutyinvolving their reoutfitting. Also cover periods oftime when the member was not physically presentat the command, such as leave and travel timebefore reporting aboard, while attending school,or while on TAD to the barracks. Such periodsmust be shown in either block 54 (Duties andResponsibilities) for TAD periods or block 55(Special Achievements) for schools, as appro-priate. The requirement for continuity ends whenthe member is discharged without immediatereenlistment, retires, transfers to Fleet Reserve,or is released from active duty to an inactive-standby status.Special reports submitted to documentsuperior or substandard performance andconcurrent reports may or may not satisfycontinuity requirements, depending on thecircumstances involved. For example: YN1 WalterT. Door, assigned to USS Bluewater (DDG 00),receives an annual report on 30 November 1990.On 8 April 1991, he was selected as sailor-of-the-quarter and received a special performanceevaluation for the period 1 January 1991 to 30March 1991. The annual report, due 30 November1991, should have maintained evaluation con-tinuity by covering the period 1 December 1990to 30 November 1991. On the other hand, AT1John A. Doe, assigned to VA-00, received anannual report on 30 November 1990. On 1December 1990, he was assigned TAD to AIMD,NAS Back Yard. On 30 November 1991, AIMD,NAS Back Yard, gave AT1 Doe a concurrentannual report, which covered the period 1December 1990 to 30 November 1991. Since thisconcurrent report maintained continuity in hisperformance evaluation reports, no other reportwas required if the regular reporting senioradopted the report as a regular report.Other Than Normal EvaluationCategoriesYou may submit enlisted performance evalua-tions for reasons other than the normal require-ment for an annual report, depending on thecircumstances of the evaluation period. Newlyreported personnel, personnel under instructionat schools, and persons awaiting disciplinaryaction are some of the people included in otherthan normal evaluation categories.2-13
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