Chemical agents-Continued
nerve agents, 7-26
riot control agents, 7-25
tear agents, 7-28
vomiting agents, 7-28
Chemical warfare, 7-15
casualty CW agents, 7-25
characteristics of, 7-25
classification of, 7-25
effects of blister agents, 7-27
effects of blood agents, 7-27
effects of chemical warfare agents, 7-25
effects of choking agents, 7-27
effects of nerve agents, 7-26
effects of tear agents, 7-28
effects of vomiting agents, 7-28
incapacitating agents, 7-25
riot control agents, 7-25
Chief Warrant Officer Physicians Assistant Program,
Chief Warrant Officer Program, 4-17
Collateral duties, recommending subordinates for,
verbal, 2-28
written, 2-28
Command assessment team (CAT), 3-3
Command training team (CTT), 3-3
Commission, paths to a, 4-15
Chief Warrant Officer Physicians Assistant
Program, 4-18
Chief Warrant Officer Program, 4-17
Enlisted Commissioning Program, 4-20
Limited Duty Officer Program, 4-18
Medical Service Corps, 4-20
Officer Candidate School, 4-20
Recommended Correspondence Courses, 4-20
Communications, damage control, 7-16
Correspondence, naval, 2-30
accepting criticism of, 2-38
accountability and disposal of, 2-45
endorsements to, 2-39
files, 2-44
first draft of, 2-37
memorandum, 2-42
official, 2-36
preparation of, 2-37
reviewing, 2-38
security classifications of, 2-39
smooth version of, 2-30
standard naval letter, 2-39
standard subject identification codes (SSICs) in,
target date of, 2-37
types of, 2-39
writing standards, 2-45
Counseling, 2-8
command counseling sheets, 2-8
enlisted performance evaluation reports, 2-8
letters of instruction, 2-8
page 13 entry in the enlisted service record, 2-8
Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC), 3-21
Damage control information, sources of, 7-16
Damage control responsibilities, 7-3
communications, 7-16
of the commanding officer, 7-3
of the damage control petty officer, 7-3
of the division officer, 7-3
of the executive officer, 7-3
of the officer of the deck, 7-3
Damage control organization, 7-4
Damage control petty officer (DCPO), 7-3
damage control battle organization, 7-4