Repair parties and teams-Continued
investigation for fires, 2-9
investigation for flooding, 7-9
investigation for structural damage, 7-9
investigation teams, 7-8
repeat/detailed investigation, 7-9
reporting of information, 7-9
Report and Disposition of offenses(s), 3-5
Respirators, 6-9
identification of respirator cartridges and gas mask
canisters, 6-11
types of, 6-10
Restraint, 5-5
arrest, 5-6
confinement, 5-6
restriction in lieu of arrest, 5-5
Safety observations, 6-3
deliberate, 6-3
incidental, 6-3
planned, 6-4
priorities, 6-4
Safety petty officer, division, 6-2
duties of, 6-2
familiarity with safety information, 6-2
mishap prevention education and training provided
by, 6-3
on-the-job training provided by, 6-3
safety education provided by, 6-3
Safety, 6-2
analysis, 6-4
committee, 6-4
education, 6-3
enforcement, 6-7
force, 6-6
Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH)
Program, 6-7
observations, 6-3
on-the-job training,6-3
petty officer, 6-2
Schedules, 2-3
annual employment, 2-3
command operational, 2-3
timelines, 2-4
work center, 2-3
Sea power, 1-1
Section leaders, 5-13
Security, ships, 5-10
casual visiting, 5-10
entertaining guests, 5-11
forecastle and fantail watch, 5-13
general visiting, 5-10
pier patrol, 5-12
unauthorized visitors, 5-12
visitors with and without visit clearance, 5-11
visits by foreign nationals, 5-11
watches in U.S. and foreign ports, 5-12
Security classifications, 2-39
Service records, enIisted, 4-14
Sight conservation, 6-14
Special Performance Evaluation Report, 2-11
Standard subject identification codes (SSIC), 2-45
Strategic nuclear deterrence, 1-3
U.S. Air Force role in, 1-3
U.S Navy role in, 1-3
Strategy, naval maritime, 1-2
Striking forces, 1-4
aircraft carrier battle group, 1-5
amphibious forces, 1-9
submarine forces, 1-6