Nuclear radiation-Continued
alpha, 7-23
beta, 7-24
gamma, 7-23
initial radiation, 7-23
radioactive fallout, 7-23
types of radiation emitted by contamination, 7-23
Officer of the deck (OOD), in port, 5-3
authority to apprehend, 5-5
authority to restrain, 5-5
duties, 5-4
granting asylum and temporary refuge, 5-6
organizational relationship of, 5-3
responsibilities, 5-4
Officer Candidate School, 4-20
On-scene leader, 7-7
investigating damage, 7-8
Personnel qualification standards (PQS), 4-8
100 SeriesFundamentals, 4-9
200 SeriesSystems, 4-9
300 SeriesWatch Station/Maintenance Action, 4-9
commanding officers role in, 4-13
coordination, 4-13
department heads role in, 4-13
division officers and division chief petty officers
role in, 4-12
executive officer's/training officers role in, 4-13
final certification and watch station sign-off, 4-11
implementing, 4-9
indoctrination, 4-10
interim qualification, 4-10
oral examining boards and written examinations,
organization, 4-11
Personnel qualification standards-Continued
qualification process, 4-10
qualifiers, 4-11
time limits, 4-10
work center supervisors role in, 4-12
Personnel Advancement Requirements (PARs), 4-15
Policy, input toward, 2-27
verbal, 2-27
written, 2-27
Presenting personnel for quarters, inspections, and
ceremonies, 4-22
Quarters, 4-22
fair weather parade, 4-22
foul weather parade, 4-22
general assembly, 4-22
personnel inspections, 4-22
Radiological defense, 7-20
damage by air blast, 7-20
damage by underwater shock, 7-20
damage by water waves, 7-21
damage survival zone, 7-20
non-nuclear effects, 7-20
nuclear weapons hazards, 7-20
protection against air blast, heat, and underwater
shock, 7-21
Refuge, granting temporary, 5-6
foreign territories, 5-6
high seas and U.S. territories, 5-6
Repair parties and teams, 7-5
assignments, 7-6
benefits of investigation, 7-10
dress requirements for, 7-6
for fighting fires, 7-7
initial/rapid survey, 7-8