ASSIGNMENT 1Textbook Assignment: Chapter 1, “U.S. Naval Tradition,” pages 1-1 through 1-22 and Chapter2, “Leadership and Administrative Responsibilities,” pages 2-1 through2-8.1-1.An element that enables a sea-dependent nation to project itspolitical, economic, and militarystrengths seaward is known as1.sea power2. naval strategy4.national strategy1-2.The true strength of sea power canonly be measured in terms of anation’s ability to use the sea tof u r t h e r i ts1 . n a t i o n a l o b j e c t i v e s2.naval power3. aggression4 . p o p u l a t i on1-3.It is more feasible to send navalforces, in comparison to otherm i l i t a r y f o r c e s, i n t o c r i s i s a r e asfor which of the following reasons?1.The cost is low2 . N a v a l f o r c e s c a n s t a y o ns t a t i o n i n d e f i n i t e ly3.Naval forces leave behind nophysical reminders of theirpresence4 . A l l o f t h e a b o ve1-4.To continue to exist as we know ittoday, the United States must havea policy that recognizes its1.2.3.4.economynaval strengthsnational securityworldwide commitments1-5.1-6.1-7.1-8.What are the three fundamentalpillars on which United Statesmilitary strategy rests? superiority,deterrence, and alliances o l i d a r i tyControl of the seas,deterrence, and forward defenseDeterrence, forward defense,and alliance solidarityForward defense, control of theseas, and alliance solidarityWhich of the following responsescould the United States take in theevent of aggression by a potentialenemy?1.Meet force with force2.Control the duration of thef i g h t i n g3 . I n c r e a s e t h e i n t e n s i t y o f t hec o n f l i c t4 . E a c h o f t h e a b o veThe Navy has the ability to outlastany aggressor with1.2.3.4.Inbe1.2.a great number of personnel andmaterialssecure sea-lanesa l a r g e f l e etf l e x i b i l i t ytime of emergency the Navy mustable to venture into harm’s way.TrueFalse1
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