1-9.1-10.1-11.1-12.1-13.Which of the following is NOT acomponent of the TRIAD of strategicnuclear forces?1.I n t e r c o n t i n e n t a l b a l l i s t icm i s s i l es2.Sea-launched ballistic missiles3. Aircraft carrier battle groups4.Long-range bombersWhat is the most flexible elementof the TRIAD?1.Intercontinental ballisticm i s s i l es2.Sea-launched ballistic missiles3. Long-range bombers4. Cruise missilesWhat is the sole mission andfundamental reason for thee x i s t e n c e o f t h e f l e e t b a l l i s t icmissile submarine?1. To deter war2. To seek out and destroy enemysubmarines3. To provide a backup for theStrategic Air Command4. To provide the United Statesw i t h a f i r s t s t r i k e c a p a b i l i tyThe TRIAD has been developed andmaintained for which of thefollowing purposes?1.To deter nuclear attack2.To provide a first strikec a p a b i l i ty3. To maintain nuclear equalitywith the U.S.S.R.4.To act as an instrument ofpolitical leverage or coercionShips of the Second Fleet patrolsome of the world’s most importanttrade routes.In what area of theworld does the Second Fleetnormally patrol?1.Mediterranean Sea2. Western Atlantic3. Eastern Atlantic4. Eastern Pacific1-14.1-15.1-16.1-17.1-18.1-19.Which of the following fleets wouldyou find in the Western Pacific andIndian Ocean regions?1 . F i r st2.Second3 . T h i rd4.SeventhWhich of the following termsdescribes an attack that isintended to inflict damage to,seize, or destroy an objective?1.S t r i ke2.T h r e a t3 . A s s a u lt4. AggressionWhich of the followingcharacteristics of a strike forceis one of its greatest assets?1.S i z e2.M o b i l i ty3. Strength4. WeaponryWhich of the following types oftask forces is/are organizedprimarily for strike forceoperations?1.C a r r i er2.Surface3. Submarine4 . A l l o f t h e a b o v eThe primary mission of oursubmarine force is to destroy whichof the following types of enemyships?1. Submarines2. Destroyers3. Carriers4. CargoT h e f i r s t f l e e t b a l l i s t i c m i s s i lesubmarine was launched in whatyear?1.19552.19593.19604.19612
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