1-20.When the termis understoodthe following1 . T h e b a se“TRIDENT” is used, itto include which ofelements?2.The missile3. The submarine4 . A l l o f t h e a b o ve1-21.Trident I missiles have a multiplewarhead capability and a maximumrange of how many nautical miles?1.1,2002.2,5003 . 3 , 5 004.4,000A.A n t i a irB.AntisubmarineC.Antisurface shipD.StrikeE.I n t e l l i g e n ceF.SpecialFigure 1A. --Types of warfare.TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-22 THROUGH 1-26,SELECT FROM FIGURE 1A THE TYPE OF WARFAREDESCRIBED IN THE STATEMENT. RESPONSES MAYBE USED ONCE, MORE THAN ONCE, OR NOT ATALL.1-22.The destruction or neutralizationof enemy targets ashore through theuse of conventional or nuclearweapons.1. A2. B3. C4. D1-23.The destruction or neutralizationof enemy surface combatants andmerchant ships.1. B2. C3. E4. F1-24.1-25.1-26.1-27.1-28.Naval operations generally acceptedas being nonconventional in nature.1. A2. B3. D4. FThis type of warfare prevents theeffective use of cargo-carryingvessels by the enemy.1. A2. B3. C4. DCorrectly interpreted, this type ofwarfare permits military decisionsto be based onof the enemy’sc a p a b i l i t i e s.1. B2 . C3. D4. Eaccurate knowledgeforces andWhich of the following types ofwarfare assists in detecting andtargeting hostilei t m o r e d i f f i c u ltdetect and target1.Special2. Electronic3.I n t e l l i g e n ceforces and makingfor the enemy tof r i e n d l y f o r c e s?4.Ocean surveillanceAntiship missiles can be launchedseveral hundred miles from thet a r g e t.From which of thefollowing platforms can they belaunched?1. A i r c r a ft2. Submarines3. Surface ships4. Each of the above3
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