1-29.The Aegisi n s t a l l edweapons system ison which of the followingplatforms?1. F-14 aircraft2. Submarines3. Cruisers4 . A l l o f t h e a b o v eFigure 1B.--Weapons.TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-30 THROUGH 1-34,SELECT FROM FIGURE lB THE WEAPON DESCRIBEDIN THE STATEMENT.RESPONSES MAY BE USEDONCE, MORE THAN ONCE, OR NOT AT ALL.1-30.Capable of simultaneously tracking24 hostile air targets andlaunching 6 missiles against 6d i f f e r e n t t a r g e t s.1. A2. B3. C4. D1-31.Has a very small cross section andflies at low altitude; radard e t e c t i o n i s d i f f i c u l t.1. A2. B3. C4. D1-32.Fires 20-mm, high-densitypenetrating projectiles at 3,000rounds per minute.1. A2. B3. C4. D1-33.Has aand a1. A2. B3. C4. D500-lb high-explosive warheadcontact fuse.1-34.Provides defense against close-in,sea-skimming cruise missiles.1. A2. B3. C4. D1-35.If your ship is assigned to theSecond Fleet, it would probablyconduct refresher training at whichof the following locations?1. Guantanamo Bay, Cuba2.San Diego, CA3.Bremerton, WA4. Norfolk, VA1-36.Routine drills are based on ship’sbills and stem from basic billsoutlined in which of the followingpublications?1.U.S. Navy Regulations2.Refresher Team Training Manual3. Standard Organization andRegulations of the U.S. Navy4 . A l l o f t h e a b o v e1-37.What inspection is conducted totest the operational ability of thecrew and ship in wartimeconditions?1. Administrative Inspection2.Propulsion Examining Board3. Operational ReadinessInspection4. Board of Inspection and Survey1-38.What inspection is scheduled byhigher authority, without theknowledge of the commandingofficer, to determine if the shipis fit for continued naval service?1. INSURV2. PEB3. ORI4. PMS4
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