7-22. Condition Zebra is fully set whenwhich of the following conditionshas been met?1. When all Yoke and Circle Wfittings have been checked2 . W h e n a l l X - r a y a n d C i r c l e Wfittings have been checked3 . W h e n a l l X - r a y a n d Y o k efittings have been checked4 . W h e n a l l C i r c l e W a n d R e dCircle Zebra fittings have beenchecked7-23. To handle battle casualties, mostships have what minimum number ofbattle dressing stations?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four7-24. In the absence of the repair partyleader, what person is in charge ofthe repair locker?1. Damage control petty officer2. Senior person at the locker3. On-scene leader4. I n v e s t i g a t o r7-25. What person informs DCC of thenature of a fire or damage at thescene?1. Investigator2. Boundary setter3. On-scene leader4. Repair party leader7-26. To be an on-scene leader, youshould be qualified in which of thefollowing areas?1. Investigator2. F i r e f i g h t i n g3. Damage control repair4. Each of the above7-27. Each repair locker has what minimumnumber of investigators assigned toi t ?1. Eight2. S i x3 . F i v e4. Four7-28. The at-sea fire party normallyconsists of what minimum number ofpersons?1. 52. 103. 154. 187-29. At-sea, which of the followingindications may be a symptom of adangerous condition?1 . W i s p o f s m o k e2. Minor loss of power3. Excessive warmth of a bulkhead4. Each of the above7-30. What are the first two steps inhandling battle damage?1. Secure electrical circuits andput out fires2. Put out fires and controlf l o o d i n g3. Remove casualties and controlf l o o d i n g4. Isolate broken pipelines ande f f e c t r e p a i r s7-31. For which of the following reasonsshould a detailed investigation bemade as soon as possible afterdamage occurs?1. Secondary damage may beundetected2. Hot splinters may be buried incombustibles3. Flooding may be occurring frompartly opened valves4. Each of the above7-32. As a general rule, what degree offlooding indicates that acompartment is open to the sea?1. Compartment is completelyflooded2. Compartment is flooded to seal e v e l3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Compartment has water leakingfrom seams47
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