6-42. Being captured does not mean that 6-46.you cannot still be useful to yourCountry. If captured, your duty isto take which of the followingactions?1. Resist the enemy by allpossible means2. Provide any information theenemy wants3. Work for the enemy to getspecial favors4. Promise the enemy you won’t tryto escape6-43. Informing on a fellow prisoner in aPOW camp is forbidden except underwhich, if any, of the followingconditions? - 4 4 . I nYou feel no one will be injuredYou feel the information willhelp all fellow prisonersYou feel the fellow prisonerhas betrayed all otherprisonersNone of the abovea Prisoner of war camp, thesenior line officer or non-commissioned officer (NCO) assumescommand of fellow prisoners withoutregard to branch of service. Ifthis senior officer or NCO becomesincapacitated for any reason, who,i f1.2.3.4.anyone, assumes command?No oneAny staff-NCOThe next senior personThe junior enlisted person6-45. What words in the Code of Conductsignify each American’s faith andconfidence in their country ands e r v i c e ?1. If I become a prisoner of war,I will keep faith with myfellow prisoners2. If I am captured I willcontinue to resist by all meansavailable3. I will never surrender of myown free will4. I am an American, fighting inthe forces which guard mycountry and our way of life6-47.6-48.6-49.If you are the senior person in asurvival at-sea situation, you willbe responsible for making sure yourgroup is safe. Which of thefollowing techniques will aid youin boosting morale?1. Singing2. Praying3. Joking4. All of the aboveAs the senior person in charge of asurvival group, you are in chargeand must use authority fairly.Besides the Code of Conduct, whatelse gives you this authority? fThe Geneva ConventionThe U.S. ConstitutionThe Bill of RightsNavy Regulationsyou and your group are isolatedbehind enemy lines, your chances ofmaking it to friendly forces can begreatly enhanced if you alwaysremember the meaning of the lettersin what key word?1. Evasion2. Capture3. Survival4. RegulationIt is often said that “undue hastemakes waste.” In a survivalsituation, if you are careless andimpatient, you will begin toencounter which of the followingexperiences? taking of unnecessary risksThe feeling of being more ateaseAn increase in your survivalchancesA decrease in your fear of theenemy43
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