7-33. For a compartment to completelyflood from the deck to theoverhead, which of the followingconditions must exist in thecompartment?1. It must be vented2. It must be completely securedfrom the sea3. It must be isolated from allother compartments4. It must have no ventilationf i t t i n g s7-34. Which of the following methods canbe used to control flooding?1. Jettisoning equipment2. Ensure water tight doors areopen3. Ensure all electrical power issecured4. Each of the above7-35. When rendering first aid to avictim, you should check the personfor breathing, shock, andhemorrhage in what order?1. Hemorrhage, breathing, shock2. Breathing, hemorrhage, shock3. Shock, breathing, hemorrhage4. Hemorrhage, shock, breathing7-36. A fire will be extinguished whenwhich of the following componentsis eliminated?1. Fuel2 . H e a t3. Oxygen4. Each of the above7-37. When you are treating anunconscious person, you should NOTprovide which of the followingactions?1. Remove clothing2. Administer water or morphine3. Administer medical assistance4. Each of the above7-38.7-39.7-40.7-41.7-42.7-43.When fighting a class C fire whichof the following actions should yout a k e f i r s t ?1. Secure the compartment2. Deenergize all circuits3. Establish fire boundaries4. Spray with water to cool thef i r eAfter a compartment has beenflooded with CO2, what minimumlength of time should you waitbefore opening the compartment?1. 1 hour2. 30 minutes3. 15 minutes4. 10 minutesWhat is the primary means ofcommunicating between stationswhile combating damage?1. Sound-powered telephone2. Ships service telephone3. Messenger4. IntercomWhich of the following circuits isthe main damage control intercomc i r c u i t ?1. 1 MC2. X-40J3. 3 MC4. 4 MCWhich of the following componentsof a nuclear weapon constitutes themost probable hazards in the eventof an accident?1. Radiation and plutonium2. Radiation and gamma rays3. High explosives and plutonium4. High explosives and gamma raysAny accident involving a nuclearweapon will result in a nuclearexplosion.1. True2. False48
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