7-44. Dangerous high explosives that havebeen scattered by an explosion maybe recognized by their appearance.If they are fused, what will betheir appearance?1. White powdery2. Tan or buff3 . P i n k4 . B l u e7-45. The size of the kill zone anddamage-survival zones of a nucleardetonation is determined primarilyby which of the followingcircumstances?1. The weapon yield2. The altitude at whichdetonation takes place3. The direction of the prevailingwind4. The amount of high explosivesusedFigure 7B.--Causes.TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 7-46 THROUGH 7-49,SELECT FROM FIGURE 7B THE CAUSE OF THEDAMAGE RESULTING FROM A NUCLEAR DETONATIONAS DESCRIBED IN THE STATEMENTS. RESPONSESMAY BE USED ONCE, MORE THAN ONCE, OR NOTAT ALL.7-46. Damage to boiler brickwork,e s p e c i a l l y f l o o r s .1. A2. B3. C7-47. Dishing and rupturing of shellplating below the waterline.1. A2. B3 . C7-48.7-49.7-50.7-51.7-52.7-53.Dishing of shell plating above thewaterline.1. A2. B3. CRupturing of topside pipingsystems.1. A2. B3. CThe primary causetopside personnelof injury towho are exposedto a nuclear air blast is1 . h e a t2. nuclear radiation3. bodily displacement4. displacement of loose gearIf an underwater shock is expected,which of the following actionsshould you take to reduce thepotential for personal injuries? fLie prone on the deckCurl up on the deck and coveryour faceHold on to a solid structure,flex your knees, and rest onthe balls of your feetStand clear of all structuresand watch for flying objectsyou see the sky light up from anuclear detonation, what is thefirst action you should take?1. Close your eyes2. Drop to the deck3. Flex your knees4. Grab a solid structureWhich of the following types ofmajor contamination is NOT likelyi n1.2.3.4.a nuclear attack?Alpha particlesBeta particlesGamma raysNeutrons49
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