7-54.7-55.7-56.7-57 .7-58 .7-59.In a contaminated ship, which ofthe following types of radiation isthe most significant radiationhazard?1. Alpha particles2. Beta particles3. Gamma rays4 . All of the aboveWhich of the following methodswould most likely be used todisseminate BW agents?1. Aerosol2. Rocket3. S h e l l4. BombThe use of chemical warfare isdirected primarily toward which ofthe following targets?1. Man2. Animals3. Equipment4. BuildingsWhich of the following weapons canbe used to deliver CW agents?1. Bombs2. S h e l l s3. Rockets4 . Each of the aboveWhich of the following CW agents isNOT considered a casualty agent?1. Vomiting2. B l i s t e r3. Blood4. NerveWhich of the following CW agents isconsidered to be the mostdangerous?1. Blood2. Nerve3. Blister4 . Choking7-60. Symptoms of a nerve agent willoccur about 1 minute afterexposure. Approximately whatlength of time will pass beforedeath occurs?1. 1 hour2. 6 minutes3. 30 minutes4. 1 day7-61. If a nerve agent is in theatmosphere in your location, youshould don your protective mask.The mask may be removed under whichof the following circumstances?1. One hour has elapsed since theattack2. Two hours have elapsed sincethe attack3 . T h e a l l c l e a r s i g n a l i s g i v e n4. The agent can no longer be seenin the atmosphere7-62. What is the maximum number ofatropine injections you may giveyourself without medicalsupervision?1. 12. 23. 34. 47-63 . What is the first thing you shoulddo if your eyes become contaminatedwith a nerve agent?1. Use a nerve agent antidote2. Put on your protective mask3. Report to the nearest medicalfacility4. Flush your eyes withuncontaminated water7-64. What is the immediatedecontamination procedure for thetreatment of blister agents in theeyes?1. Inject atropoine2. Flush with water3. Use the skin decontaminationk i t4. Report to the nearest medicalf a c i l i t y50
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