7-11.7-12.7-13.7-14.7-15.7-16.After the DCPO and duty DCPOselections are made by the divisionofficer, which of the followingofficials must be informed of theassignments?1. E x e c u t i v e o f f i c e r2. Fire marshal3. Damage control assistant4. Both 2 and 3 aboveWho is responsible for supervisingthe setting of specified damagecontrol material conditions withindivision spaces?1. Damage control petty officer2. Work center supervisor3. Leading petty officer4. Division officerThe damage control administrativeorganization is contained withinwhat department?1. Engineering2. Operations3. Weapons4. DeckWhat organization is responsiblefor keeping the commanding officeradvised of the capabilities of theship after a casualty?1. Deck division2. Repair parties3. Operations department4. Damage control centralWhat person is responsible forassigning personnel to repairparties?1. Commanding officer2. Executive officer3. Division officer4. Department headWho ensure(s) replacement personnelassigned to repair parties areproperly trained and that theyattain PQS qualifications?1. D i v i s i o n o f f i c e r s2. Engineering officer3. Repair party leaders4. Damage control assistant7-17.7-18.7-19.7-20.7-21.When making assignments to repairparties, which of the followingpractices should you avoid?1. Reassigning mass numbers ofpersonnel2. Replacing a petty officer witha Seaman3. Assigning someone who has notfully completed damage controlPQS4. Replacing a person with someonewho has just reported aboardWhen personnel are engaged inrepair party activities, theyshould NOT wear uniforms made ofwhich of the following types ofmaterial?1. Polyester double knit2. Gabardine3. Cotton4. WoolUnder which of the followingcircumstances may repair partypersonnel omit wearing life jacketsand carrying a protective mask?1. When acting as repair partyleader2. When acting as on-scene leader3. When performing first aid4. When wearing the OBAWhat is the minimum acceptablenumber of personnel needed tocompose the duty damage controlparty?1. 62. 123. 154. 18During general quarters which ofthe following persons is/areresponsible for setting materialcondition Zebra in manned spaces?1. Damage control assistant2. Personnel in the space3. Repair party leader4. On-scene leader46
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