6-32.6-33.6-34.6-35.6-36.Survival is a group or team effort.What total percentage of individualeffort must be put forth by eachmember to make sure the group orteam is not captured?1. 20 percent2. 60 percent3. 85 percent4. 100 percentIn a shore survival situation, ifyou are the senior member, the willto survive becomes a personalstruggle between the environmentand1.2.3.4.A l lyour specific personalq u a l i t i e syour weakest team memberyour emergency rationsyour junior personnelpersons placed in a survivalsituation feel which of thefollowing useful emotions?1. Fear2. Confusion3. Exhaustion4. FrustrationIn a survival situation, when youbecome more alert, hear better, seebetter, and are able to performfeats of strength, you areexperiencing1.2.3.4.Toi na normal reaction to feara psychological breakdownharmonic convergencecomplete exhaustionimprove your chances ofany situation, you mustsurvivalhave theattitude that you will survive ata l l c o s t s . Which of the followingtraits will enhance your chances ofsurvival?1. Courage2. Persistence3. Attentiveness4. All of the above6-37. In the art oftheyou1.2.3.4.followingsurvival, which ofrequirements permitsto see but not be seen?Your sightCamouflageThe terrainyour hearing6-38. Evading the enemy in open woods isdifficult because under favorableconditions enemy observers are ableto see up to what maximum distance?1. 100 yards2. 150 yards3. 200 yards4. 250 yards6-39. The most common deterrent tosuccessful evasion is a negativea t t i t u d e . A negative attitude canbe related to, caused by, or a lackof which of the following survivalt r a i t s ?1. Patience2. S e c u r i t y3. Common sense4 . A l l o f t h e a b o v e6-40. At times, even though you do allthat you can to evade the enemy,you are captured. When thishappens, what does the Code ofConduct direct you to do as soon asyou are captured?1. Answer any and all of theenemy’s questions2. Begin planning your escape3. Be nice to the enemy4. Relax6-41. Experience has proved that “model”POW camps, where food is regularand treatment is considerate, fallinto which of the followingcategories?1. They are only found within 100miles of the front lines2. They are located only in enemyt e r r i t o r y3. They are the normal camps4. They are the exception42
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