7-65.7-66.7-67.7-68.7 - 6 9If a person receives a heavyconcentration of a choking agent,death may occur within whatapproximate length of time?1. 12 hours2. 24 hours3. 3 hours4. 48 hoursIf you receive a concentration of achoking agent and experiencenausea, v o m i t i n g , o r d i f f i c u l t y i nbreathing, which of the followingactions should you take?1. Continue your normal combatd u t i e s2. Report to the nearest medicalf a c i l i t y3. Inject three shots of atropine4. Rest quietly until evacuated bymedical personnelWhich of the following CW agentshas been employed extensively as ariot control agent?1. Choking2. Vomiting3. Blister4. TearWhich of the following CW agents isused for harassment but also may bedispersed with lethal chemicalagents?1. Vomiting2. B l i s t e r3. Nerve4. TearWhen planning for a disasterresponse, your activity shouldfirst be concerned with which ofthe following considerations?1. Survival of the community2. The activity’s own survival3. Type of communications needed4. Type of communicationsavailable7-70.7-71.7-72.7-73.7-74.7-75.During what phase of disasterrelief are survey teams dispatchedto the disaster area?1. Phase I2. Phase II3. Phase III4. Phase IVUnder which of the followingconditions should personnel goinginto a disaster area be armed?1. When authorized by thecommanding officer2. When food and water will be inshort supply3. When the relief party willremain overnight4. When looting will be a problemThe purpose of disaster relief isto provide1. r e h a b i l i t a t i o n2. emergency relief3. permanent shelter4. disaster preventionDuring what level of mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP)is all protective equipmentrequired to be worn?1. Level 12. Level 23 . L e v e l 34. L e v e l 4As the on-scene leader, which ofthe following postfire actionsshould you take?1. Test for explosive gases2. Set a reflash watch3. Overhaul the fire4. All of the aboveWhich of the following odors mayindicate the presence of bloodagents?1. Garlic2. New-mown hay3. Bitter almonds4. Fruity camphor51
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