project, the product will only be as good as theinput from you and your personnel. You, as aCPO, will have a great deal of influence over thisprocedure.THE 3-M SYSTEMSThe average work center aboard ship isinvolved in the 3-M Systems through the PlannedMaintenance System (PMS) and the MaintenanceData System (MDS). Your position in the workcenter or division will require you to have a goodworking knowledge of the 3-M Systems. Basic3-M responsibilities of the chief include thefollowing:•••••Training the division officer and subor-dinatesSupervising preventive maintenance admin-istrative proceduresSupervising corrective maintenance admin-istrative proceduresSubmitting equipment configurationchanges to update the weapons system fileManaging the division or work centermaintenance through use of the currentship’s maintenance project (CSMP)An in-depth explanation of the 3-M Systemsis beyond the scope of this chapter. Exact pro-cedures for administering the 3-M Systems varydepending upon TYCOM instructions, type ofcommand, or special programs such as nuclearweapons or nuclear power.This section will cover the general respon-sibilities of the positions you should be familiarwith as a chief. These positions are the depart-mental 3-M Systems assistant, division officer,group supervisor, and work center supervisor.A more detailed description of the 3-MSystems can be found in the Ships’ Maintenanceand Material Management (3-M) SystemsManual, OPNAVINST 4790.4B, and yourTYCOM 3-M Systems instruction.DEPARTMENTAL 3-M SYSTEMSASSISTANTThe department head will assign an officer ora petty officer as a 3-M Systems assistant. Theassistant must be trained in and knowledgeableof the 3-M Systems. The assistant will provideassistance and supervision in all administrativefacets of the department’s 3-M Systems program.DIVISION OFFICERThe division officer is responsible to thedepartment head and must be trained in the 3-MSystems. The division officer assists in managingthe maintenance required for the equipmentwithin the division. The division officer’s respon-sibilities include the following:Ensuring division MDS documents arecomplete, accurate, and promptly preparedand submittedEnsuring qualified senior personnel reviewPMS maintenance requirement documentssuch as maintenance index pages (MIPs)or maintenance requirement cards (MRCs)for completeness, applicability, and ac-curacySupervising preparation, reviewing, andsigning of the divisions’s weekly PMSschedulesConducting weekly spot-checks to makesure maintenance requirements are per-formed as indicated on the maintenancerequirement card (MRC)Ensuring the department quarterlyschedule is properly updated each weekIncluding 3-M Systems training in divisionaltraining planWorking in association with the ship’s 3-McoordinatorMeeting the work center supervisors eachweek and then informing the departmenthead of 3-M Systems status within thedivisionEnsuring division 3-M Systems files,publications, MRC decks, tag guide list(TGL), and equipment guide list (EGL) arecomplete and currentGROUP SUPERVISORSometimes the leading chief is responsible forthe proper operation of two or more work centers.4-24
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