Helping ResourceNavy Relief SocietyNaval Legal Service OfficesAmerican Red CrossNaval HospitalsVeterans Administration (VA)Civilian Health and Medical Program of theUniformed Services (CHAMPUS)Command Career CounselorCapabilityLoans and outright grants to alleviate financialemergencies; also family budget counselingLegal advice, to include wills, powers of attorney,and notarizing servicesEmergency assistance of all types, to includeemergency leave verification and travel assistancePhysical and psychological problems and disordersdiagnosed and treatedVeterans benefits and survivors benefits adviceHealth care benefitsCareer information,benefitsand eligibility adviceto include Navy rights andPROFESSIONAL, PERFORMANCE,AND ENLISTED EVALUATIONCOUNSELINGProfessional, performance, and enlistedevaluation counseling all have several things incommon. Standards should be set; standardsshould be clear and understood by the counselee;targets should be set for each individual; andboth good and poor performance of subor-dinates should be documented and the subor-dinates counseled. Professional and performancecounseling takes place throughout the year.Enlisted evaluation counseling should take placeonce a quarter to allow personnel a chance toimprove before receiving the formal evaluation.A good place to start is at the end of theformal evaluation period. You can outline theminimum required performance you expect fromeach paygrade and rating within the work centeror division. This is setting a clear standardof performance. Professional and performancecounseling will be based on these standards.Ensure each subordinate understands the requiredlevel of performance you expect from him or her.Set performance targets for each individual.People are different and have different capabilities.By setting performance targets above the requiredminimum, you will be able to maximize subor-dinate output. Setting a standard target ofperformance could discourage less capableperformers or cause more capable performers tobecome bored. Remember to individualize thetarget performance. An example would be givingyour star performer 1 week to complete a specificpersonnel qualification standard (PQS). The1-week target may be too difficult for your leastcapable performer, so you might allow him or her1 month to complete the PQS. All other personnelwould fall somewhere within this range, dependingupon their capabilities.As your personnel progress, you will need toadjust the targets to keep them challenging butrealistic. Counsel your personnel on their goodand poor performance. Document the counselingsessions for at least 3 months.You have been documenting the professionaland performance counseling for the last 3 months.Now it is time to conduct an enlisted evaluationcounseling session. Write a rough evaluation oneach subordinate, using their counseling sheetsand other documentation taken from personalobservation over the last 3 months. Do not referto the last formal evaluation (or rough evaluationfor latter sessions).These quarterly counseling sessions will allowyou to provide positive reinforcement for correctbehavior and corrective action for substandardbehavior. You will also be able to documentitems that are sometimes forgotten at the yearlyevaluation. Schools attended, courses completed,and assistance provided are sometimes overlooked4-29
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