• Provide supervisors with a responsive andflexible on-line management tool for main-tenance, supply, and manpower functions• Improve the accuracy and timeliness ofexisting off-ship data reports withoutincreasing user workloadCOUNSELING PERSONNELOne of the most important aspects of the chiefpetty officer’s job is providing advice andcounseling to subordinates. CPOs who makethemselves accessible to subordinates will findthey are in great demand to provide informationand to help in finding solutions to problems.The purpose of this section of the chapter isto present an overview of the basic principles andtechniques of counseling. This section is notintended to be a course in problem solving, noris it intended to provide a catalog of answers toall questions. This section will, however, give youan overview of general counseling procedures,some guidelines to use in the counseling process,and a listing of resources available as references.A point to remember is that counseling shouldnot be meddlesome, and the extreme,of playingpsychiatrist, should be avoided. But neithershould counseling be reserved only for asubordinate that is having problems; you shouldalso counsel subordinates for their achievementsand outstanding performance. Counseling of asubordinate who is doing a good job reinforcesthis type of job performance and ensurescontinued good work. Counseling of this type alsoprovides an opening for you to point out waysthat a subordinate might improve an already goodjob performance.Counseling the subordinate who is doing agood job is relatively easy, but a differenttype of counseling is required for a subordinatewhose performance does not meet set standards.This section teaches you how to counsel thesubordinate whose performance does not meetestablished job standards.In general, this section can be used as a guideto counseling personnel on professional, personal,and performance matters. Also, the basicspresented here apply to counseling subordinateson their enlisted evaluations.PRINCIPLES OF COUNSELINGCounselors should set aside their own valuesystem in order to empathize with the personduring counseling. The things the counselor mayview as unimportant may be of paramountimportance to the counselee. We tend to view theworld through our own values, and this canpresent problems when we are confronted withvalues that are at odds with our own. If personsin your unit think something is causing them aproblem, then it is a problem to them, regardlessof how insignificant you might believe the pro-blem to be.The objective of counseling is to give yourpersonnel support in dealing with problems so thatthey will regain the ability to work effectively inthe organization. Counseling effectiveness isachieved through performance of one or more ofthe following counseling objectives: advice,reassurance, release of emotional tension, clarifiedthinking, and reorientation.AdviceMany persons think of counseling as primarilyan advice-giving activity, but in reality it is butone of several functions that counselors perform.The giving of advice requires that a counselormake judgments about a counselee’s problemsand lay out a course of action. Herein lies thedifficulty, because understanding another person’scomplicated emotions is almost impossible.Advice-giving may breed a relationship inwhich the counselee feels inferior and emotionallydependent on the counselor. In spite of its ills,advice-giving occurs in routine counseling sessionsbecause members expect it and counselors tendto provide it.ReassuranceCounseling can provide members with re-assurance, which is a way of giving them courageto face a problem or confidence that they arepursuing a suitable course of action. Reassurancecan be a valuable, though sometimes temporary,cure for a member’s emotional upsets. Sometimesjust the act of talking with someone about aproblem can bring about a sense of relief that willallow the member to function normally again.Release of Emotional TensionPeople tend to get emotional release from theirfrustrations and other problems whenever theyhave an opportunity to tell someone about them.Counseling history consistently shows that aspersons begin to explain their problems to a4-26
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