PERSONAL COUNSELINGAll personal problems should not be referredto a specialist. Your first duty as a chief is torecognize whether the problem is beyond yourability to help or not. Many times you can solvepersonal problems with a telephone call. If theproblem is beyond your ability to solve, then givethe division officer a chance to solve the problem.Stay informed of the progress made towardsolving the problem. If the problem requiresassistance from outside the command, you cansmooth the process by making appointments andensuring the counselee gets help. Keep informedof progress and follow-up!As a CPO, you may encounter situations inwhich persons being counseled must be referredto other sources for assistance. There will be timeswhen a person will have special problems that willrequire special help. These problems should behandled by such specialists as the chaplain, legalofficer, and medical officer. The effective CPOshould be able to recognize situations in whichreferral is necessary and to assist the counseleein obtaining maximum benefit from thesereferrals. Examples of situations in whichreferral would be appropriate include drugand alcohol abuse, psychological problems orbehavioral disorders, medical problems, personallimitations, such as a personality conflict with thecounselor and the inability of the counselor torelate to or comprehend a counselee’s problem.In each instance, the key to successful referrallies not in the ability to diagnose a problem butrather in the ability to recognize those signs orsymptoms that indicate referral to appropriatesources.To assist CPOs in fulfilling their advising andcounseling responsibilities with regard to referral,the Navy has developed an impressive array ofhelping resources. A listing of these helpingresources is provided for reference.HelpingResourceAlcohol Rehabilitation Centers/AlcoholRehabilitation Departments (ARCs and ARDs)Counseling and Assistance Centers (CAACs)Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA)Navy Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Pro-gram (NADSAP)Navy ReliefChaplain CorpsCommand OmbudsmanFamily Service Centers (FSC)Federal Credit UnionsEducational ServicesCapabilityAlcohol abuse and related physical disordersDrug abuse, alcohol abuse, and psychologicaldisordersPrimary command point of contact for drug andalcohol abuse problemsEducation program for those with drug/alcoholabuse problemsFinancial counselingPersonal problem and religious counselingCommunity orientation and family orientation tothe command and Navy lifeComprehensive family-related information, pro-grams, and services for Navy families and singleservice membersFinancial assistance, to include savings and loanadvice as well as family financial planningEducational assistance, to include degree-grantingprograms, correspondence courses, and in-serviceeducational benefits4-28
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