machine malfunctions, check to see that all copieshave been removed. After reproducing classifiedmaterials, make sure the original and all copieshave been removed from the machine.SAFEGUARDING OFCLASSIFIED MATERIALClassified information or material is used onlywhere facilities or conditions are adequate toprevent unauthorized persons from gaining accessto it. The exact nature of security requirementsdepends on a thorough security evaluation of localconditions and circumstances. Chapter 13 of OP-NAVINST 5510.1H contains specific details forsafeguarding classified material.Responsibility for SafeguardingIf you have possession of classified material,safeguard it at all times. Lock it in appropriatesecurity equipment whenever the material is notin use. Follow procedures that ensure unauthorizedpersons cannot gain access to the classifiedinformation by sight, sound, or other means.Never discuss classified information with or in thepresence of unauthorized persons.When working with Top Secret information,observe the two-person rule. That rule requirestwo persons to handle Top Secret material.However, the rule allows one person to be leftalone with the material for a short period of timeduring normal working hours.Remove classified material from a designatedoffice or working area ONLY in the performanceof your official duties. Remove classified materialfrom designated areas to work on it during off-duty hours, or for any other purpose, ONLY withspecific approval of the Chief of Naval Opera-tions (OP-09N) or appropriate authority. You willFigure 9-5.-Classified material cover sheet, Standard Form 703.9-18
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