Figure 9-4.-Notice of Change in Classification, OPNAV Form 5511-11.Where possible, two people will be involved inreproducing classified material to ensure thepositive control and safeguard of reproducedmaterial.Commands maintain records for 2 years toshow the number and distribution of all reproduc-tions of classified documents, including thefollowing:Top Secret documentsClassified documents covered by specialaccess programs distributed outside theoriginating agencySecret and Confidential documents markedwith special dissemination and reproductionlimitationsYour command should designate specific areasand equipment for there production ofclassifiedmaterial. Prominently display signs on or near theequipment to advise users of the designation. Forexample, a sign may read, THIS MACHINEMAY BE USED FOR REPRODUCTION OFMATERIAL UP TO SECRET. REPRODUCTIONMUST BE APPROVED BY (designated official).If you have machines that are not authorized forthe reproduction of classified material, post awarning notice, such as the following, on themachine: THIS MACHINE IS LIMITED TOREPRODUCTION OF UNCLASSIFIEDMATERIAL. Make sure a designated official caneasily see the area to ensure the authorization ofcopies and reproduction of the minimum numberof copies.Some equipment may use extremely sensitivereproduction paper. Use and store the paper ina manner to prevent image transfer of classifiedinformation.When reproducing material, make sure itshows the classification and other special markingsthat appear on the original material. Double checkall reproduced material, and remark reproducedcopies that have unclear markings.Safeguard all samples, waste, or overrunsresulting from the reproduction process accordingto the classification of the information involved.Destroy the materials promptly as classified waste.Check areas surrounding reproduction equipmentfor classified materials that may have been lefton nearby desks or thrown in wastebaskets. If the9-17
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