as sensitive, in conjunction with authorizedclassification designations.Designate a Top Secret classification toinformation that could cause grave damage to ournational security upon unauthorized disclosure,such as the following:Armed hostilities against the United Statesor its alliesDisruption of foreign relations vitallyaffecting the national securityCompromise of vital national defenseplans or complex cryptologic and com-munications intelligence systemsDisclosure of sensitive intelligence opera-tionsDisclosure of scientific or technologicaldevelopments vital to national securityDesignate a Secret classification to informa-tion that could cause serious damage to thenational security upon unauthorized disclosure,such as the following:Disruption of foreign relations significantlyaffecting national securitySignificant impairment of a program orpolicy directly related to the nationalsecurityDisclosure of significant military plans orintelligence operationsCompromise of significant scientific ortechnological developments relating tonational securityDesignate a Confidential classification toinformation that could cause damage to ournational security upon unauthorized disclosure,such as the following:Information indicating strength of ground,air, and naval forcesPerformance characteristics, test data,design, and production data on U.S.weapons systems and munitionsDECLASSIFICATION ANDDOWNGRADING AUTHORITYThe following officials are authorized todeclassify and downgrade information:1.2.3.The Secretary of the Navy with respect toall information over which the Departmentof the Navy exercises final classificationauthorityThe original classification authority asdesignated by the Secretary of the Navy,a successor to the original classificationauthority, or a supervisor of eitherThe Deputies or Chiefs of Staff to thoseoriginal classification authorities forclassified information in their functionalareasOnly the Secretary of Defense or the Secretaryof the Navy may decide that specific informationno longer requires the protection originallyassigned. That is, they may change the originalclassification, which will change the classificationguidance for that information. Do not confusethe authority to downgrade or declassify with theauthority for administrative responsibility. Theperson who has administrative responsibility maydowngrade or declassify information as directedby a classification guide, the continued protectionguidelines, or the declassification instructions ona document.Systematic Declassification ReviewAs classified (permanently valuable) recordsin the National Archives become 30 years old, theArchivist of the United States reviews them fordeclassification.The CNO, OP-09N, specifies which 30-yearold Department of the Navy information requirescontinued protection. In coordination with Navyand Marine Corps commands, OP-09N hasdeveloped continued protection guidelines for theArchivist. The Director, Naval Historical Center,designates experienced personnel to guide and helpthe Archivist. These personnel guide and assistNational Archives employees in identifying andseparating documents that require continuedclassification. The Director, Naval HistoricalCenter, refers doubtful cases to the commandhaving original classification jurisdiction.The CNO, OP-09N, reviews the continuedprotection guidelines at least every 5 years. Thisreview identifies additional information becoming9-15
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