30 years old that requires continued protectionand confirms the continued need for classifica-tion of previously identified information.Certain categories of information transferredto the National Archives are exempted from30-year systematic review; instead, the Archivistreviews the information when it becomes 50 yearsold. These categories consist of intelligence(including special activities), intelligence sourcesor methods created after 1945, and cryptologycreated after 1945. The Archivist reviews restricteddata and formerly restricted data upon request.Foreign government information is declassifiedonly if specified or agreed to by the foreign entity.Special procedures developed by the Director,National Security Agency, in consultation withaffected agencies, govern the systematic reviewand declassification of classified cryptologicinformation. The Secretary of Defense mustapprove the procedures.Mandatory Declassification ReviewA United States citizen or immigrant alien, afederal agency, or a state or local government mayrequest a review for declassification of Depart-ment of the Navy information. Informationoriginated by the following people are exemptfrom these provisions for mandatory review fordeclassification:The PresidentThe White House StaffCommittees, commissions, or boards ap-pointed by the PresidentOthers specifically providing advice andcounsel to the PresidentUPGRADINGOriginal classification authorities may upgradeclassified information, within their functionalareas of interest, only under the followingconditions:1. When all known holders of the informa-tion can be promptly notified2. When all known holders of the informa-tion are authorized access to the higherlevel of classification or the informationcan be retrieved from the known holdersnot authorized access to the higher level ofclassificationOriginal classification authorities may classifyinformation previously determined to beUnclassified only under the following conditions: all known holders of the informa-tion can be promptly notifiedWhen all known holders of the informa-tion are authorized access to the higherlevel of classification or the informationcan be retrieved from the known holdersnot authorized access to the higher level ofclassificationWhen control of the information has notbeen lostWhen loss of control can still be preventedMake every effort to retrieve, safeguard, andproperly mark and control properly classifiedinformation that has been underclassified ordisseminated as Unclassified.Notices are not issued to downgrade or de-classify materials that contain instructions fordowngrading or declassification. All originaladdressees will be notified of changes that shortenor lengthen the duration of classification of thematerial or that change the classification level. Anotice assigning classification to currentlyUnclassified information will be classifiedConfidential, unless the notice itself containsinformation at a higher level. You may use OP-NAV Form 5511-11 (fig. 9-4) for that purpose.REPRODUCTION OFCLASSIFIED MATERIALBecause so many reproduction machines areused throughout the Navy, the problemsassociated with reproducing classified materialhave continued to grow. Therefore, commandingofficers control the number of copies of classifieddocuments reproduced within their commands.Personnel must have proper authorization toreproduce classified material on reproductionmachines. The originating activity or higherauthority must consent to the reproduction of TopSecret information.Commanding officers designate certain officialsto approve all requests to reproduce Top Secretand Secret materials. These officials, in turn,ensure that security procedures for the reproduc-tion of classified materials are followed and thatsuch reproduction is kept to a minimum. Makecertain your personnel are aware of the require-ment for approval by one of these designatedofficials before reproducing classified material.9-16
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