Except in those cases where an intelligencesource or method would be revealed, markportions of United States documents containingforeign government information. Make sure themarking reflects the country or internationalorganization of origin as well as the appropriateclassification such as (NATO-S) or (UK-C).In certain situations, parenthetical portionmarking is impractical. In such cases, includeon the face of the document a statement thatidentifies the exact information that is classifiedand the classification level assigned.Mark the classification in full, not in anabbreviated form, on figures, tables, graphs,charts, photographs, and similar illustrationsincorporated in classified documents. Ideally, youshould center the classification marking just belowthe illustration. Special situations may dictateplacement of the marking above or actually withinthe general area of the illustration. If theinformation requires a caption, place theabbreviated classification marking for the captionimmediately before the text of the caption. Whenfigure or table numbers identify the caption, placethe abbreviated marking after the number andbefore the text.TransmittalsA transmittal document or endorsement carriesthe highest classification of the information ittransmits. It also contains a statement showingthe classification of the transmittal document. Anexample is an Unclassified letter that transmits aclassification of the enclosure and the notation“Unclassified upon removal of enclosure.” Alsoshow on the transmittal document any warningnotices, intelligence control markings, or specialnotations on enclosures. Include downgrading anddeclassification instructions only when thetransmittal itself is classified. Otherwise, thenotation that the transmittal is “Unclassified uponremoval of the enclosure” is the only instructionneeded. Figure 9-17 shows a sample of a letter oftransmittal.Electrically Transmitted MessagesMark classified messages at the top andbottom with the overall classification; also,portion mark as prescribed for other documents.You may use the automated system that prints amessage to print the classification markings also,as long as the markings are legible.Include the overall classification, spelled out,as the first item of information in the text of aclassified message. Spell out the identification forRestricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, orCritical Nuclear Weapons Design Informationfollowing the classification; but use the short formfor intelligence control markings.Show the date or event for declassification orthe notation “Originating Agency’s Determina-tion Required” (fig. 9-18) on the last line of textof a classified, electrically transmitted message.You may omit the downgrading or declassifi-cation annotation on messages containing Re-stricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data;however, show the basis of the classification onthe originator’s record copy.Show the full marking on copies of messagesnot electrically transmitted (such as mail or couriercopies).Training or Testing MaterialMark classified material used for training ortesting purposes and handle as appropriate forthat level of classification.When Unclassified matter is used for trainingpurposes, mark it with the following notation:“(insert the type of classification) for training,otherwise Unclassified.” You may purposelymark incorrectly as classified any Unclassifiedmaterial used to test automated communicationssystems. Annotate the material as “classified fortest purposes only” and handle as Unclassifiedmaterial.Special Access Program MaterialWhen warranted, material containing infor-mation subject to the special access programreceives additional marks. Mark special accessprogram material as prescribed in directives,regulations, and instructions relating to approvedspecial access programs. You may change orremove the markings only by direction of theauthority responsible for the special accessprogram concerned.Nuclear Propulsion InformationClassified naval nuclear propulsion informa-tion (NNPI) is exempt from the requirements forportion markings.In documents containing both classified NNPIand other classified information, mark thoseportions containing classified information other9-37
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