verified with the Canal Zone Commission isacceptable.3. If the person claims U.S. citizenship bynaturalization, a Certificate of Naturalization isrequired. A Certificate of Citizenship is requiredif the person claims to have derived U.S. citizen-ship through the naturalization of the parent(s).If the person does not have a Certificate ofCitizenship, the Certificate of Naturalization ofthe parent(s) may be accepted if the naturaliza-tion occurred before the age of 18 (or before theage of 16 before 5 October 1978) and the personwas a permanent U.S. resident. Certificatespresented must be originals; making copies isillegal.4. A U.S. passport issued to the person or onein which the person was included (that is, a childand parent on a passport photograph) isacceptable.PERSONNEL SECURITYINVESTIGATIONSPersons are given access to classified informa-tion or assigned to sensitive duties only if theirloyalty, reliability, trustworthiness, and judgmentis determined. The initial determination is basedon a personnel security investigation (PSI)appropriate to the access required or to otherfactors involving the sensitivity of the dutiesassigned.Although commanding officers may requestPSIs on personnel under their jurisdiction, theymay request only the minimum investigation tosatisfy a requirement.The Defense Investigative Service (DIS) or,where specified, the Office of Personnel Manage-ment (OPM) conducts or controls all PSIs for theDepartment of the Navy. You are prohibited fromconducting PSIs, including local public agencyinquiries, without a specific request from DIS.Keep PSI requests to the absolute minimum.Do not use them as a means of identifyingproblem personnel security cases.Types of Personnel SecurityInvestigationsA personnel security investigation(PSI) is aninquiry by an investigative agency into a person’sactivities conducted for the purpose of making apersonnel security determination. Investigationsconducted for other purposes may affect aperson’s employment, clearance, or assignment,but are not PSIs. Examples are investigations ofcompromise, criminal activity, sabotage, espionage,or subversion.Because the Navy uses various levels of infor-mation, it must have a system of protecting alltypes of information that could jeopardize ournational security. Some materials could have amore devastating effect on our nation than others.For that reason, the Navy conducts personnelsecurity investigations before granting a securityclearance to persons who handle sensitive infor-mation. These investigations fall into one of theseven categories described in the followingparagraphs.NATIONAL AGENCY-CHECK. —A nationalagency check (NAC) is a check of federal agencyfiles on persons who apply for employment byfederal agencies. The check, conducted by DIS,includes a check of the Defense Central Index ofInvestigations (DCII) and a check of FBI files.An NAC includes a check on other agencies whenthe information on the applicant’s investigativeforms indicates a need for one. The NACconducted on a first-term enlistee in the Navyor Marine Corps is called an entrance NAC(ENTNAC). The primary reason for an ENTNACis to determine a person’s suitability for entryinto the service. It is requested only at the timeof initial entry, not at reenlistment or at a laterdate. An NAC is also required for each personaccepting a commission in the naval service or aReserve component commissioned officer status.The NAC is an integral part of each backgroundinvestigation (BI), special BI (SBI), or periodicreinvestigation (PR). When an NAC disclosesinformation that DIS must investigate further toresolve, the result is called an expanded NAC(ENAC).NATIONAL AGENCY CHECK AND IN-QUIRY. —A national agency check and inquiry(NACI) is a check of the files of civilian applicantsfor employment by federal agencies (an NAC),which includes written inquiries about theapplicants. The Office of Personnel Management(OPM) conducts this check. It sends inquiries,covering the person’s last 5 years beforeapplication, to law enforcement agencies, formeremployers, supervisors, references, and schools.DOD NATIONAL AGENCY CHECK PLUSWRITTEN INQUIRIES. —A DOD nationalagency check plus written inquiries (DNACI),conducted by DIS, consists of an NAC, credit9-41
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