similar subject or title classification (fig.9-17).Portion MarkingsMark each portion (section, part, paragraph,or subparagraph) of a classified document toshow its level of classification or the fact thatit is Unclassified. These markings eliminate anydoubt as to which portions of a document containor reveal information requiring protection.However, be sure you consider each portion forclassification on the basis of its content and itsassociation with other information. Place theappropriate parenthetical symbol immediatelyfollowing the portion letter or number. In theabsence of letters or numbers, place theappropriate symbol immediately before thebeginning of the portion.When a major numbered or lettered paragraphand all of its subparagraphs are Unclassified, youdon’t need to mark each paragraph. Marking thelead-in paragraph with a (U) is sufficient.Figure 9-17.-Letter of transmittal.9-36
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