VERIFICATION OF CITIZENSHIPCitizenship status affects the requirementsinvolved in a security clearance investigation.Consider the clearance eligibility and the accessa person will be granted before you start thatperson’s security processing. Personnel arerequired to submit evidence of citizenship toreceive a security clearance. However, to retaina clearance at their present level, personnel whohold a current, valid clearance issued by the Navyor Marine Corps are exempt from this require-ment. Verification is required for first-timeclearance candidates and candidates for clearanceat a higher level than currently held if citizenshipwas not verified previously.Navy and Marine Corps officers must submitproof of citizenship before their commissioning.Unless a person’s record specifically notes that heor she is not a U.S. citizen, you may assume thatan officer is a U.S. citizen. Enlistees mustsubmit documentation verifying their citizenshipstatus during enlistment processing.Civilians must provide documentation provingthe citizenship claimed on their application duringthe hiring process. Never assume a former officeris a U.S. citizen. The former officer mustprovide evidence of citizenship if the personnelrecord is unavailable.The following conditions may satisfy therequirement for a service member to verify U.S.citizenship for a clearance at a higher level thancurrently held:1. The person has a valid backgroundinvestigation (BI) or special background investiga-tion (SBI) completed before 1 September 1979,provided U.S. citizenship was claimed at thattime.2. The person is an officer in the Navy orMarine Corps, although the record does notcontain evidence of noncitizenship.3. An enlisted member’s service recordcontains a DD Form 1966 (Application forEnlistment—Armed Forces of the United States)with a certification that the documents verifyingcitizenship have been sighted; or for Navymembers, a NAVPERS 1070/601 (ImmediateReenlistment Contract) reflecting that thedocumentation has been sighted and the personis a U.S. citizen.The following documentation is required toprove U.S. citizenship; it is generally the same asthat required for U.S. passport purposes:1. If the person was born in the United States,a birth certificate is required. A certificate in theform officially issued and certified by the stateor county agency is acceptable if it shows the birthrecord was filed shortly after birth and it bearsthe signature of the registrar.a. A delayed birth certificate (a recordfiled more than 1 year after the date of birth) isacceptable.b. Verification of birth (DD Form 372) isacceptable for military members if the birth datalisted is verified by the registrar.c. A hospital birth certificate is acceptableif all of the vital information is given and it hasan authenticating seal or signature. The hospitalmust be fully recognized and credentialed by arecognized authority.d. If primary evidence cannot be obtained,a notice from the registrar that no birth recordexists should be submitted. The registrar’s noticemust be accompanied by the best combination ofsecondary evidence obtainable. Secondaryevidence includes a baptismal certificate; acertificate of circumcision; affidavits of personshaving personal knowledge of the facts of thebirth; or other documents, such as an earlycensus, school or family bible records, newspaperfiles, and insurance papers. The secondaryevidence should have been created as close to thetime of birth as possible.e. All documents submitted as evidence ofbirth in the United States must be original orcertified copies.Uncertified copies are notacceptable.2. If citizenship was acquired by birth abroadto a U.S. citizen parent, one of the following isacceptable:a. Certificate of Citizenship issued by theImmigration and Naturalization Serviceb. A. Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizenof the United States of America (Form FS-240)c. A Certification of Birth (Form FS-545or DS-1350) issued by a U .S, Consulate or theDepartment of StateFor personnel born in the Canal Zone, acertificate of birth issued by the Canal Zonegovernment indicating U.S. citizenship and9-40
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