bureau checks, and written inquiries to currentand former employers covering a 5-year period.BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION. —DISconducts a background investigation (BI) togather information on a person’s loyalty,character, emotional stability, and reliability.It consists of an NAC plus a field investigationconsisting of an interview and a written inquiry.Standard BI elements include checks of employ-ment; education; organization affiliations; localagencies; where the subject has lived, worked, orgone to school; and interviews with persons whoknow the individual. Depending on the informa-tion disclosed, the BI may also include credit andneighborhood checks and an interview of thesubject to resolve any questionable or derogatoryinformation. The scope of a BI usually covers aperiod that extends back 5 years or begins at the18th birthday, whichever is the shorter period;however, at least the last 2 years are covered, withthe exception that no investigation is conductedbefore a person’s 16th birthday. No time limitis set for the resolution of questionable orderogatory information. The scope of a BI forpersons assigned to NATO billets and fornon-U. S. citizens is 10 years (with the restrictionon investigation before the 16th birthday). A fullfield investigation (FFI) conducted by the FBI orOPM is the equivalent of a BI.SPECIAL BACKGROUND INVESTIGA-TION. —A special background investigation(SBI), conducted by DIS, extends coverage of theperson’s background to provide a greater depthof knowledge than a standard BI. An SBI includesan NAC on the member’s spouse or cohabitant.It also includes an NAC on any immediate familymembers 18 years of age or older who are U.S.citizens other than by birth or who are not U.S.citizens. The scope of an SBI covers a period thatextends back 15 years or begins at the 18thbirthday, whichever is the shorter period;however, at least the last 2 years are covered, withthe exception that no investigation is conductedbefore the person’s 16 birthday. At the presenttime, CNO authorizes SBIs only on personnel whohave access to certain information or who areassigned to certain duties. The followingassignments presently require an SBI:Assignments requiring access to single inte-grated operational plan—extremely sensitiveinformation (SIOP-ESI)Assignments requiring access to sensitivecompartmented information (SCI)Assignment to Presidential support dutiesAssignment to investigative agencies as specialagents or investigative support personnelrequiring continuous access to investigate filesand materialsPERIODIC REINVESTIGATION. —A periodicreinvestigation (PR) updates a valid investigationconducted by DIS. It consists of a personalinterview, an NAC, local checks, credit checks,and interviews with employment references andcharacter references. A periodic reinvestigationalso includes a command review of all availablerecords when warranted by the facts of thecase.SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE INQUIRY. —Aspecial investigative inquiry (SII), conducted byDIS, has two purposes. The first purpose is toprove or disprove allegations about a person onwhom a personnel security determination has beenmade. The second is to assess the current eligibilityof an individual on whom an unfavorable person-nel security determination had previously beenmade. An SII consists of a limited inquiry, apost-judicatory investigation, or some othertype of DIS inquiry. SIIs do not investigatecurrent criminal activity, sabotage, espionage, orsubversion. The Naval Security and InvestigativeCommand investigates those matters.Since SIIs supplement the basic PSI, they arenot entered as investigations on the Certificate ofPersonnel Security Investigation Clearance andAccess (OPNAV Form 5520/20).The Nuclear Weapons PersonnelReliability ProgramInvestigative requirements for the NuclearWeapons Personnel Reliability Program (PRP)are based on the sensitivity of the positionoccupied. The position may or may not reflect theclassification level of information to which theperson may have access. Positions in the PRP aredesignated as Critical or Controlled.A Critical position in the PRP requires a BIwithin the past 5 years before initial assignment.Continued assignment to a PRP position isallowed without an update of the investigation.9-42
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