than NNPI. Do not mark those containing NNPI.Include the following statement in the body of thedocument to explain the absence of markings:Those paragraphs which are not markedfor classification contain naval nuclearpropulsion information (NNPI) which isexempt from the requirement for portionmarking set forth in the Department of theNavy Information and Personnel SecurityProgram Regulation.Place the following downgrading and de-classification markings on documents containingclassified NNPI that is not Restricted Data orFormerly Restricted Data:Classified by DOE-DOD ClassificationGuide CG-RN-1 dated January 1977.Declassify On: Originating Agency’sDetermination Required. This documentshall not be used as a basis for derivativeclassification.Miscellaneous MaterialsTreat materials developed in connection withthe handling, processing, production and use ofclassified information in a manner that ensuresadequate protection. Such materials includerejected copy, typewriter ribbons, carbons, andsimilar items. Destroy these materials at theearliest practical time. Omit marks, stamps, orother indications that the recorded informationis classified unless needed to ensure its protection.PERSONNEL SECURITYCLEARANCESThe basic policy of the Department of theNavy Personnel Security Program designates theChief of Naval Operations (OP-09N) as theofficial responsible for managing the securityclearance program. The CNO (OP-09N) deter-mines policy for granting access to classifiedmaterial.Persons are granted access to classifiedmaterial only if that access is clearly consistentwith the interests of national security. Competentauthority may determine a reasonable basis fordoubting a military or civilian person’s loyalty tothe government of the United States. If no doubtis determined, a person’s loyalty is assumed to beconsistent with the interests of national security.This assumption applies to the appointment orretention of civilian personnel in governmentpositions and acceptance or retention of militarypersonnel in the Navy and Marine Corps.CITIZENSHIPOnly United States citizens are granted accessto classified information or assigned to sensitiveduties. Sensitive duties are those in which anassigned military member or civilian employeecould bring about an adverse effect on thenational security. Any duties requiring access toclassified information are sensitive duties.Reference to U.S. citizens in this text includesall U.S. citizens. It includes those who are U.S.citizens by birth, those who are naturalizedcitizens, and those who are U.S. nationals.Reference to non-U.S. citizens in this textrelates to immigrant aliens and foreign nationals.Immigrant aliens are those who have been lawfullyadmitted to the United States for permanentresidence. Foreign nationals are defined, forsecurity purposes, as the following:Those who are not U.S. citizens, U.S.nationals, or immigrant aliensThose immigrant aliens who have failed tobecome citizensThose U.S. citizens or immigrant alienswho represent a foreign government,foreign private interests, or foreignnationals when they are acting in thatcapacityWith few exceptions, the Navy and MarineCorps will accept only U.S. citizens as officers butwill accept immigrant aliens as enlisted. Under aU.S.-Republic of the Philippines agreement, theNavy may enlist nonimmigrant aliens. Enlistedimmigrant aliens (and Philippine nonimmigrantaliens) may not enter into ratings or militaryoccupational specialties (MOS) that generallyrequire access to classified information. Theyare allowed access to classified information orassigned to sensitive duties only when specificallyauthorized by OP-09N. The Navy and MarineCorps considers all other foreign nationals tobe foreign representatives. They are governed bythe foreign disclosure policies and proceduresin OPNAVINST 5510.48J and OPNAVINSTS5510.155C.9-39
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