Injuries, accidents, and casualtiesOfficial visitsSalutes fired and flags displayedArrivals and departures of the commandingofficer and executive officer and, if on board, flagofficers and civil officialsDrills heldObservance of sunrise and sunsetReports made to the OOD; for example, fuel andwater, chronometer, magazine temperatures, andso forthEquipment casualtiesWATCH, QUARTER, AND STATION BILLFor any ship to carry out its assigned missions andtasks, it must have an administrative organization. In theorganization, every person is assigned one or moretasks. Personnel are trained so they can do their jobs.The ship’s organized plan for action is contained inthe battle bill. The battle bill is based on the organizationmanual and other publications and directives. The battlebill contains lists of stations that must be manned duringbattle and at other specified times. Using theorganization manual and the battle bill as references,each division officer and division chief assigns qualifiedpersonnel in the division to the stations and enters theirnames on the watch, quarter, and station (WQS) bill.The WQS bill displays in one place your duties foreach emergency and watch condition. It also shows youradministrative and operational duties.Contents of the Watch, Quarter, and StationBill (WQS)The WQS bill lists, by billet number and rate,divisional stations to be manned for various situations.The billet number consists of either four numbers or aletter and three numerals. The first number (or letter)indicates the person’s division; the second numberindicates the section; the last two numbers show theperson’s seniority in the section. Figure 3-1 shows theassignments for personnel in the first section of the firstdivision.Look at figure 3-1. The first column shows the billetnumber. The second column shows your name. Yourbunk and locker numbers are usually the same. Thereare three columns under rate: the first column shows thewartime complement, the second the peacetimeallowance (usually less than for wartime), and the thirdlists the rates actually on board.Often, cleaning stations are omitted, since they areposted in a separate cleaning bill.There are three columns under the BATTLESTATIONS—Condition I, Condition II, and ConditionIII. Condition I is general quarters. Under Condition Iall battle stations are manned, and usually surface or airaction is imminent (about to take place). Condition I issometimes modified to let a few persons at a time rest onstation or to let designated personnel draw rations fordelivery to battle stations (condition IE). Condition IIis a special watch used by gunfire support ships forsituations such as extended periods of shorebombardment. Condition III is the normal wartimecruising watch. Normally, when cruising underCondition III, the ship’s company stands watch on abasis of 4 hours on, 8 hours off; about one-third of theship’s armament is manned in the event of a surpriseattack.Assignments to the SELF-DEFENSE FORCE varyaccording to ship type. The purpose of the self-defenseforce is to provide a capability for reacting to emergencysecurity situations aboard ship and at pierside to protectthe ship, its sensitive equipment, and its personnel.The next column, EMERGENCY GETTINGUNDER WAY, is for use in-port when most of the crewis ashore and the ship must get under way beforepersonnel can be recalled.There are two columns under WATCH DETAIL.The left column is for normal peacetime cruising, orCondition IV. The number of watch sections dependson the type of ship and the number of personnel aboard.The right column lists the type of watch personnel willstand in-port (Condition V). The time of the watch isposted on a separate in-port watch list.3-2Student Notes:
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