35. SN Doe oversleeps after having the weekendoff and fails to return to the ship before it gotunder way Monday morning. Under whatUCMJ article can SN Doe be charged?1. 842. 873. 904. 9336. If the chief master-at-arms (CMAA) of a shipstrikes the colors to an enemy withoutauthorization by competent authority, theCMAA is in violation of what UCMJ article?1. 942. 983. 994. 10037. Weapons or other public property taken fromcaptured enemy forces becomes the propertyof the1. enemy2. United States3. person who captured the enemy4. person from whom they were taken38. Seaman Door tries to bring a small containerof crack cocaine on board his ship. Which ofthe following UCMJ articles has he violated?1. 1122. 112a3. 1134. 113a39. Under UCMJ, article 116, Riot or Breach ofPeace, the term riot is used when adisturbance is caused by what minimumnumber of people?1. Six2. Five3. Four4. Three40. Petty Officer Frost takes a neckerchief fromanother person’s locker, wears it on liberty,and replaces it upon return to the ship. Whatoffense of the UCMJ has Petty Officer Frostcommitted?1. Purposeful mislocation2. Wrongful appropriation3. Robbery4. Larceny41. What UCMJ article provides specific statutoryauthority for the prosecution of bad-checkoffenses?1. 1232. 123a3. 1254. 12642. If a person considers his/her punishment underUCMJ, article 15, unjust, the person has theright to appeal to the next superior authority inthe chain of command. How many days isgenerally considered reasonable for submittingan appeal?1. 52. 103. 154. 202-45
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