if Sailors didn’t have the discipline, self-control, andefficiency they have been taught.Our justice system has its own checks and balances.For example, if a person does something wrong, thecommanding officer is restricted as to the type ofpunishment he/she may award. A person also has a rightto appeal punishment awarded—a right all peopleenjoy. A person also has the right to communicate withthe commanding officer.Our justice system protects us. Because of navalregulations and standards of conduct, we know what theNavy expects of us. Our conduct, both on and off duty,should reflect our pride in the Navy and in our unit.REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. The three sources that contain the basicdisciplinary laws for the U.S. Navy are—a. U.S. Navy Regulationsb. Standard Organization and Regulations ofthe U.S. Navyc. Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)A2. One of the most important characteristics of agood Sailor is a sense of moral responsibility.A3. To succeed in your work in the Navy, you shouldvalue and take part in teamwork.A4.The Code of Conduct was established to governsituations where Sailors were prisoners ofwar.A5.There are six articles in the Code of Conduct.A6. Under article V, the only information you areallowed to give is your name, rank, servicenumber, and date of birth.REVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1. In the Navy, the military police are known as theshore patrol.A2. Shore patrol personnel are identified byarmbands bearing the letters SP.A3. When military police are from different armedforces and combined to form one unit, they areknown as an Armed Forces Police Detachment(AFPD).A4. The primary duties of the shore patrol are to—a. Render assistance to military personnelashoreb. Maintain good order and discipline amongmilitary personnelc. Report conditions or practices that appearprejudicial to the welfare of militarypersonnelREVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1.Motivation and correction through rewardand punishmentare used to help Sailors workas a unit.A2.The purpose of discipline in the military is tobring about an efficient military organization.A3.Deterrent theory of punishment is used by theNavy.A4. The two things a recipient of Navy punishmentshould remember are—a. Punishment is a result of their behavior.b. They won’t be punished again if they learnto conform to Navy’s standard of conduct.REVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1.Chapter 10 of the Navy Regs deals with yourresponsibility and authority while carrying outorders.A2.Chapter 11 of the Navy Regs deals with yourrights and responsibilities.A3.Chief of Naval Operations is responsible formaking sure that the Navy Regs conform to thecurrent needs of the Department of the Navy.2-40Student Notes:
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