Secretary concerned, a commanding officerexercising general court-martial jurisdiction oran officer of general or flag rank in commandmay delegate his powers under this article to aprincipal assistant.(b) S u b j e c t t o s u b s e c t i o n ( a ) a n ycommanding officer may, in addition to or inlieu of admonition or reprimand, impose one ormore of the following disciplinary punishmentsfor minor offenses without the intervention of acourt-martial…Commanding officer’s nonjudicial punishment isoften referred to as captain’s mast. Captain’s mast getsits name from the old sailing days when the setting forthis form of naval justice was the weather deck near theship’s mainmast.Cases are heard and punishments given at captain’smast. Anyone who is not attached to or embarked in avessel may, however, demand trial by court-martial inlieu of punishment at mast, before such punishment isimposed.The punishments permitted at captain’s mastdepend upon the rank of the officer holding mast. Figure2-3 shows the punishment that may be awarded.A commanding officer that decides an offensedeserves a punishment more severe than he/she isauthorized to award at mast may order a court-martial.The following paragraphs explain some of thepunishments that may be given at captain’s mast.RESTRICTION.—Restriction is the requirementto remain within certain specified limits (ship, station,etc.). Although required to muster at certain times, therestricted person usually continues to perform his/herregular duties.CORRECTIONAL CUSTODY.—Correctionalcustody is the physical restraint (confinement) of aperson during duty or nonduty hours, or both. Theperson may be required to perform extra duties or hardlabor. A typical example is an individual who is free tocarry out regular duties during the day but is confined ina confinement facility at night.2-37Student Notes:ENLISTEDAny officer commanding,LCDR and aboveCommanding officers belowLCDR; OICs, any gradeAdmonition orreprimandYes YesConfinement onB&W ordiminished rations3 consecutive days(aboard ship)E-3 and below3 consecutive days(aboard ship)E-3 and belowCorrectional custody 30 consecutive daysE-3 and below7 consecutive daysForfeiture of pay1/ 2 of 1 month pay permonth for 2 months7 days’ payReduction in grade To next inferior grade To next inferior gradeExtra duty 45 consecutive days 14 consecutive daysRestriction 60 consecutive days 14 consecutive daysFigure 2-3.—One or more of the maximum punishment authorizedby article 15, UCMJ.
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