failing to maintain sufficient funds for payment ofchecks upon presentment is a violation.Art. 124. MaimingAny person subject to this chapter who,with intent to injure, disfigure, or disable,inflicts upon the person of another an injurywhich(1) seriously disfigures his person by amutilation thereof;(2) destroys or disables any member ororgan of his body; or(3) seriously diminishes his physicalvigor by the injury of any member or organ;is guilty of maiming and shall be punished as acourt-martial may direct.Maiming includes putting out a person’s eye;cutting off a person’s hand, foot, or finger; or knockingout a person’s front teeth, as these injuries destroy ordisable those members or organs. Maiming alsoincludes cutting off a person’s ear or scaring a person’sface, as these injuries seriously disfigure the person.Injuring an internal organ so as to seriously diminish thephysical vigor of a person is also considered maiming.Art. 125. Sodomy(a) Any person subject to this chapter whoengages in unnatural carnal copulation withanother person of the same or opposite sex orwith an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration,however slight, is sufficient to complete theoffense.(b) Any person found guilty of sodomyshall be punished as a court-martial may direct.Art. 126. Arson(a) Any person subject to this chapter whowillfully and maliciously burns or sets on firean inhabited dwelling, or any other structure,movable or immovable, wherein to theknowledge of the offender there is at the time ahuman being, is guilty of aggravated arson andshall be punished as court-martial may direct.(b) Any person subject to this chapter whowillfully and maliciously burns or sets fire tothe property of another, except as provided insubsection (a), is guilty of simple arson andshall be punished as a court-martial may direct.In aggravated arson, danger to human life is theessential element; in simple arson, it is injury to theproperty of another. In either case, the fact that no one isinjured is immaterial.Art. 127. ExtortionAny person subject to this chapter whocommunicates threats to another person withthe intention thereby to obtain anything ofvalue or any acquaintance, advantage, orimmunity is guilty of extortion and shall bepunished as a court-martial may direct.A threat may be communicated by word of mouthor in writing, the essential element of the offense beingthe knowledge of the threat to the victim. Anacquittance is, in general terms, a release or dischargefrom an obligation.Art. 128. Assault(a) Any person subject to this chapter whoattempts or offers with unlawful force orviolence to do bodily harm to another person,whether or not the attempt or offer isconsummated, is guilty of assault and shall bepunished as a court-martial may direct.(b) Any person subject to this chapterwho—(1) c o m m i t s a n a s s a u l t w i t h adangerous weapon or other means of forcelikely to produce death or grievous bodilyharm; or(2) c o m m i t s a n a s s a u l t a n dintentionally inflicts grievous bodily harmwith or without a weapon;is guilty of aggravated assault and shall bepunished as a court-martial may direct.Section (a) describes the offense of simple assault.Swinging your fist, pointing a gun at a person, or raising2-33Student Notes:
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