The term riot is used when a disturbance is causedby a group of three or more persons and is engagedagainst anyone who may oppose them.Breach of the peace is an unlawful disturbance byviolent or turbulent means that disturbs the peace of thecommunity. Engaging in a fight and using abusivewords in public are examples of breach of the peace. Asused in this article, community includes any militaryinstallation or ship, as well as a civilian community.Art. 117. Provoking Speeches or GesturesAny person subject to this chapter whouses provoking or reproachful words orgestures towards any other person subject tothis chapter shall be punished as a court-martialmay direct.Art. 118. MurderAny person subject to this chapter who,without justification or excuse, unlawfully killsa human being, when he—(1) has a premeditated design to kill;(2) intends to kill or inflict great bodilyharm;(3) is engaged in an act that is inherentlydangerous to another and evinces a wantondisregard of human life; or(4) is engaged in the perpetration orattempted perpetration of burglary, sodomy,rape, robbery, or aggravated arson;is guilty of murder, and shall suffer suchpunishment as a court-martial may direct,except that if found guilty under clause (1) or(4), he shall suffer death or imprisonment forlife as a court-martial may direct.Art. 119. Manslaughter(a) Any person subject to this chapter who,with an intent to kill or inflict great bodilyharm, unlawfully kills a human being in theheat of sudden passion caused by adequateprovocation is guilty of voluntary manslaughterand shall be punished as a court-martial maydirect.(b) Any person subject to this chapter who,without an intent to kill or inflict great bodilyharm, unlawfully kills a human being—(1) by culpable negligence; or(2) while perpetrating or attempting toperpetrate an offense, other than those namedin clause (4) of… article 118, directlyaffecting the person;is guilty of involuntary manslaughter and shallbe punished as a court-martial may direct.Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of another.There are two basic types of manslaughter: voluntaryand involuntary.Voluntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing ofanother when there is intent to kill or inflict great bodilyharm, but the act is committed in the heat of suddenpassion caused by adequate provocation.Involuntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing ofanother committed without intent to kill or inflict greatbodily harm.Art. 120. Rape and Carnal Knowledge(a) Any person subject to this chapter whocommits an act of sexual intercourse, by forceand without consent, is guilty of rape and shallbe punished by death or such other punishmentas a court-martial may direct.(b) Any person subject to this chapter who,under circumstances not amounting to rape,commits an act of sexual intercourse with afemale not his wife who has not attained the ageof sixteen years, is guilty of carnal knowledgeand shall be punished as a court-martial maydirect.(c) P e n e t r a t i o n , h ow eve r s l i g h t , i ssufficient to complete either of these offenses.2-31Student Notes:
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