CHAPTER COMPREHENSIVE TEST1. Which of the following are sources that setforth the basic disciplinary laws for the U.S.Navy?1.U.S. Navy Regulations2.Standard Organization and Regulations ofthe U.S. Navy3. Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)4. Each of the above2. Which of the following characteristics aretraits of a good Sailor?1. Puts the good of the ship and the Navyabove personal likes and dislikes2. Obeys the rules of military courtesy andetiquette3. Demonstrates loyalty, self-control,honesty, and truthfulness4. All of the above3. In what year was the Code of Conduct firstprescribed?1. 19652. 19553. 19454. 19354. The Code of Conduct was adopted to provideguidance for service personnel in which of thefollowing circumstances?1. When stationed on foreign soil2. When traveling at home and abroad3. When facing the enemy as prisoners of war4. All of the above5. In what year was Executive Order 12633issued amending the Code of Conduct to useneutral-gender language?1. 19872. 19883. 19894. 19906. How many articles make up the Code ofConduct?1. Two2. Four3. Six4. Eight7. When, if ever, may you voluntarily surrenderto the enemy?1. If alone and completely isolated fromfriendly troops2. If no longer able to inflict casualties on theenemy3. If able to detain the enemy and let othersescape capture4. Never8. Who may be assigned shore patrol duties?1. Officers only2. Petty officers only3. Officers and petty officers4. All Navy personnel9. In areas where different armed services arelocated, the military police from each servicemay be combined to form one unit. What termidentifies this unit?1. Armed Forces Police Department2. Armed Forces Police Detachment3. Armed Forces Police Service4. Armed Forces Police Group10. Aboard ship, the master-at-arms (MAA) forceis headed by the chief master-at-arms(CMAA). The CMAA works directly forwhich of the following officers?1. Weapons officer2. Security officer3. Executive officer4. Administrative officer11. Discipline training develops which of thefollowing personal traits?1. Character2. Efficiency3. Self-control4. All of the above12. Discipline is important to the Navy for whichof the following reasons?1. To instill fear of punishment2. To decrease command responsibility3. To provide punishment for wrongdoers4. To enable personnel to function as a unitwith a high degree of efficiency2-42
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