25. Sexual harassment is offensive and illegal.Under what article of Navy Regs may a personbe charged with sexual harassment?1. 11662. 11643. 11624. 116026. Aboard your ship or station, you could find theregulatory articles of the StandardOrganization and Regulations of the U.S. Navyposted in which of the following locations?1. On bulletin boards2. In the log room3. On the quarterdeck4. All of the above27. Ships arriving in U.S. territory after visiting aforeign port are subject to customs inspection.Which of the following personnel mustcomplete a customs declaration?1. Only personnel possessing articles with amonetary value that exceeds 2. Enlisted personnel only3. Officer personnel only4. All hands28. Actions the officer of the deck may take indealing with intoxicated persons are outlinedin which of the following articles of theStandard Organization and Regulations of theU.S. Navy ?1. 510.212. 510.273. 510.344. 510.4429. On what date did the original Uniform Code ofMilitary Justice become effective?1. 5 February 19502. 5 May 19503. 31 May 19514. 31 August 195130. Article 137 of the UCMJ states, “…certainarticles of the code must be explainedcarefully to every enlisted person…at the timethe person enters active duty and after 6months of active duty.” At what other timeinterval must article 137 be explained?1. Every 6 months thereafter2. Every 12 months thereafter3. Every 24 months thereafter4. Each time the person reenlists31. Which of the following UCMJ articlesexplains the commanding officer’s nonjudicialpunishment?1. 552. 353. 154. 532. When an accused person selects a civiliancounsel, who must bear the expense of suchcounsel?1. The accused only2. The military only3. The accused and the military4. The accused if convicted, otherwise themilitary33. Petty Officer Pistol, knowing that SN Brushhas committed a robbery, loans Brush a car sothat Brush can return to the ship to establishan alibi. What offense has Petty Officer Pistolcommitted?1. Accessory after the fact to robbery2. Principal to the offense of robbery3. Conspiracy4. Robbery34. The status of an absentee changes fromabsence without leave to deserter after howmany days absence?1. 102. 203. 304. 402-44
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