13. Punishment is administered in the Navy forwhich of the following reasons?1. To serve as an object lesson to thewrongdoer and others2. To pacify those who have suffered a wrong3. To correct a wrong4. To avenge a wrong14. What chapter of the United States NavyRegulations describes the rights andresponsibilities of all Navy members?1. 122. 113. 104. 915. What person is responsible for making surethat the Navy Regs conforms to the currentneeds of the Department of the Navy?1. The Secretary of the Navy2. The Judge Advocate General3. The Chief of Naval Operations4. The Commandant of the Marine Corps16.Navy Regs and changes to it are issued by theSecretary of the Navy after what personapproves them?1. The President2. The Vice President3. The Attorney General4. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff17. Failure to obey any regulation subjects theoffender to charges under what UCMJ article?1. 912. 923. 934. 9418. What article of the Navy Regs lists thepublications that must be made available uponrequest by any active-duty person?1. 10202. 10103. 09174. 081819. What article of the Navy Regs gives officersthe authority necessary to perform theirduties?1. 10212. 10233. 10254. 103320.Navy Regs, article 1033, Authority in a Boat,provides which of the following officers theauthority and responsibility over all personsembarked?1. The senior line officer eligible forcommand at sea2. The junior line officer eligible forcommand at sea3. The senior staff officer4. The junior staff officer21. Which of the following Navy Regulationsarticles outlines the authority of a sentry?1. 10372. 10383. 10524. 105322. You may not be ordered to active duty withoutthe permission of which of the followingpersons?1. Commandant of the Marine Corps2. Commandant of the Coast Guard3. Chief of Naval Operations4. Chief of Naval Personnel23.Navy Regulations, article 1104, Treatment andRelease of Prisoners, prohibits cruel and/orunusual treatment. According to this article,prisoners must be checked on at whatminimum interval?1. 10 hours2. 8 hours3. 6 hours4. 4 hours24. During a Saturday duty day, one of yourshipmates asks you to change watches withhim/her. You agree but fail to get permissionfrom proper authority. Under what article ofNavy Regs could you be charged?1. 11382. 11343. 11334. 11292-43
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