CHAPTER 3WATCH STANDINGIn this chapter, you will learn about the basicshipboard watch organization. You will learn about atypical watch, quarter, and station bill; the terms usedduring watches; and some typical watches, both ashoreand afloat. You will also learn about procedures forreporting bearings and using binoculars.WATCH STANDINGLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the responsibilities of personnel forthe Watch, Quarter, and Station Bill.Identify types of watches, general orders of asentry, procedures to follow when relieving anarmed watch, and when a weapon may be fired.Recognize the duties of lookouts.During a ship’s entire commissioned life, it willalways have Sailors on watch. There are probably morethan a hundred different types of watches, depending onthe ship or station.Whatever type of watch, the watch stander mustdevote full attention to it. The ship’s organization andthe watches manned by its personnel keep the shiprunning smoothly 24 hours a day. Watches vary, ofcourse, depending on both the type of ship and whetherthe ship is under way or in-port. Even when the ship ismoored in-port and receiving hotel services (utilities,such as steam, water, and electricity) from the pier oranother ship, it’s necessary to maintain a watch forcommunications, security, and safety.During your time in the Navy, you will be requiredto stand many watches. Some watches will be of asecurity nature, such as a pier sentry or roving patrol;others will be operational, such as a telephone talkerand/or status board operator. Whatever the type ofwatch, you must devote your full attention to it.Inattention or negligence on your part can result inserious consequences for the ship and your fellowshipmates.DECK LOGProbably the most important log you will maintainis the ship’s deck log. The basic requirements formaintaining the deck log are contained in the U.S. NavyR eg u l a t i o n s a n d S t a n d a rd O rg a n i z a t i o na n dRegulations of the U.S. Navy. The ship’s deck log is acomplete daily record, by watches, of every event ofimportance or interest about the crew and the operationand safety of the ship.A ship’s deck log has both historical importanceand legal standing. At times, it may be used in naval,admiralty, and civil courts. In an incident involving theship, the log may be the only available evidence onwhich to base a legal decision. At sea, the ship’s decklog is kept by the quartermaster of the watch (QOOW).In-port, chronological entries are made, but theseentries are made by the petty officer of the watch(POOW).Entries in the ship’s deck log are handwritten usinga black, ball-point pen. Entries must be neat and legible.Use only standard Navy phraseology. Because the logmay be used as evidence in legal proceedings, do noterase an entry. If you make a mistake, draw a single linethrough the original entry (so that it remains legible),insert the correct entry, and place your initials in themargin. The log is signed at the end of each watch by theOOD. The name of the officer of the deck must also beprinted beneath the signature. Facsimile signature is notauthorized.The following are entries that are always recorded:Convening of courts-martial or fact-findingbodiesInspections held, including administrative,material, personnel, lower deck, and magazineinspections3-1Thank God I have done my duty—Admiral Horatio Nelson
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