approaching ships can best be seen or heard (normallyin the bows). The fog lookouts stand a vigilant watch todetect, either by hearing fog signals or actually sighting,approaching ships or craft. Posting and training of foglookouts will, as a minimum, meet the requirements ofthe International Regulations for Preventing Collisionsat Sea. This watch will consist of two personnel—onephone talker and one lookout. The addition of the phonetalker allows the fog lookout to work without his or herhearing being impaired by wearing sound-poweredphones. As with other lookouts, the fog lookouts are incontact with the OOD through the bridge phone talker.HelmsmanThe helmsman is a qualified steersman who steerscourses prescribed by the conning officer. Thehelmsman alternates with other members of the deckwatch as directed by the BMOW and as approved by theconning officer (who is generally the OOD or theJOOD). The helmsman is normally assigned from theweapons/deck department.Lee HelmsmanThe lee helmsman who stands watch at the engineorder telegraph on the bridge rings up the conningofficer’s orders to the engine room, making sure all bellsare correctly answered. The lee helmsman alternateswith other members of the deck watch as directed by theBMOW and as approved by the conning officer. The leehelmsman is normally assigned from the weapons/deckdepartment.After Steering WatchThis watch, stationed in after steering, is set whenpositive steering control must be maintained, such asduring general quarters, under way replenishment, andsea and anchor detail. During these evolutions, aqualified member from the navigation department isassigned as the after steersman along with a memberfrom the engineering department. This watch isresponsible for lining up and operating the steeringengines according to orders received from the conningofficer. During normal under way steaming, this watchis not usually manned, except on board the larger typesof vessels (such as CVNs or LHAs).Gangway WatchWhen required, the gangway watch is posted at thefoot of the brow or gangway to perform such duties asdirected by the OOD. These duties normally includesecurity of the brow and ceremonial duties.Security Watches and PatrolsSecurity watches and patrols, in addition to thosedescribed elsewhere in this chapter, may be assigned atthe discretion of the CO. Security watches and patrolsare established to increase the physical security of theship. Sailors assigned to security watches and patrolswill be trained and qualified by the department headresponsible for the areas to which specific watches andpatrols are assigned. Duties of security watches andpatrols include but are not limited to the following:Maintaining continuous patrols above decks andbelow decksChecking classified stowage, including spacescontaining classified equipmentBeing alert for evidence of sabotage, thievery,and fire hazardsChecking security of weapons magazinesObtaining periodic sounding of designated tanksand spacesPeriodically inspecting damage control closuresSounding and Security PatrolThe watch of the sounding and security patrol isregular and continuous. It is essential that onlywell-indoctrinated, experienced personnel are assignedthis watch. The patrol follows an irregular route whileconducting a continuous inspection of all spaces(except those on which a watch is posted or those spacesdesignated as limited or exclusion areas) to detect andprevent fire hazards, fire, flooding, theft, sabotage, orother irregularities affecting the physical security of theship. Soundings and results of the inspection will bereported to the OOD and are logged in the ship’s deck3-6Student Notes:
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