the CO and remain in effect until canceled or changedwith subsequent (new) orders from the CO. Theseinstructions are called standing orders. Verbal ordersmay be issued by any responsible officer or petty officer.Normally, they remain in effect for a limited period oftime.Eleven General Orders of a SentryNormally, general orders for a sentry call forreporting to the petty officer of the guard. However, atany given station, you will make your reports to thepetty officer of the watch, officer of the day, officer ofthe deck, or to the person designated as your immediatesupervisor of the watch. Before standing watch, youneed to know your chain of command for the watch.There are 11 general orders for a sentry. They arereproduced here in bold letters, along with a briefexplanation of each. You should memorize them wordfor word. You don’t need to memorize the explanations,but you should understand the meaning of each order.1.To t a k e c h a r g e o f t h i s p o s t a n d a l lgovernment property in view. The number of the post,type of sentry duty, and limits of your post are part ofyour special orders. Within the limits of your post, youhave authority over all persons, and it’s your duty tochallenge and, if necessary, detain all persons acting in asuspicious manner. You should apprehend all personsinvolved in disorder or discovered committing a crime.All persons detained or apprehended are turned over tothe petty officer of the guard. You should fire yourweapon only as a last resort. Smoking in a prohibitedarea, for example, is hardly a shooting offense. Thereare times, however, when firing at another person maybe justified, but only after all means of defense or crimeprevention have failed. In general, such times are asfollows:a. To protect your own or another’s lifeb. To prevent the escape of a person known tohave committed a serious crime, such asarmed robbery, rape, or murderc. To prevent sabotage, espionage, arson, andother crimes against the governmentd. If you must fire your weapon, try to woundinstead of kill the person you’re aiming at2.To walk my post in a military manner,keeping always alert and observing everything thattakes place within my sight or hearing. Keep turningyour head as you walk your post, observing everythingahead and to the sides. If you hear a strange noise,investigate it.You cannot expect to stand all your watches in fairweather. When the weather is bad, you will be issuedappropriate clothing. Do not stand under a tree to keepout of the rain or stay behind a building to get out of acold wind; during times of bad weather and darkness,you must be particularly alert.3.To report all violations of orders I aminstructed to enforce. If a person is acting fromthoughtlessness, you need only remind the offender ofthe regulation being broken. For example, if you see aperson starting to light a cigarette in a no smoking zoneor a visitor blundering into a restricted area, you needonly tell the person the regulation in effect. If the personis willfully violating a regulation, however, like tryingto jump the fence or stealing Navy property, you muststop the person and place the offender underapprehension; then call for the petty officer of the guard.If the person tries to escape, give the order to halt. If theperson does not obey, fire into the air; if the person doesnot stop, fire at the fleeing party’s legs, subject to thelimitations given under general order 1. If the offenderescapes, report the matter as quickly as you can to thepetty officer of the guard. In every instance, try toremember what the offender looked like so that you mayidentify the person. Do not leave your post to chase theoffender unless immediate action is essential.By firing your weapon and shouting, you can alertother sentries to intercept the offender. Do not fire at anoffender if anyone else is around who could be hit byyour shot. It is better to let the wrongdoer escape for thetime being than to shoot an innocent person.4.To repeat all calls from posts more distantfrom the guardhouse (quarterdeck) than my own.Suppose your post is number 3. To call the petty officerof the guard for any purpose other than relief, fire, ordisorder, you call, “Petty officer of the guard (orcorporal of the guard), post number 3.” Sentry number 2will repeat your call, giving your number, and so willsentry number 1. Thus the petty officer will know3-8Student Notes:
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