log. Any unusual conditions are reported to the OODimmediately.Fire WatchThe purpose of a shipboard fire watch is toimmediately extinguish fires caused by welding orburning operations. (Burning means cutting throughmetal with an oxyacetylene torch.) Often two personsare assigned to this duty—one is stationed at the scene,the other in the space behind the one in which the cuttingor welding is being done. Heat generated by welding orburning can pass through a bulkhead or deck and ignitematerial on the other side.When assigned a fire watch, you will be given aportable fire extinguisher and eye protectors, such asgoggles. If you use the fire extinguisher or if the seal isbroken, be sure you inform the person who issued it sothat the bottle can be weighed to determine if it needsrefilling.The fire watch may become boring, but you mustremain alert at all times. For example, when undergoinga shipyard overhaul, the ship’s fire mains may beinoperative. The shipyard fire department then assumesresponsibility for fighting shipboard fires. If you aregoofing off on your watch or are absent from yourstation, a fire could gain considerable headway beforearrival of the fire department, resulting in extensive (andunnecessary) damage to the ship and possible personnelcasualties.Barracks Security WatchA security watch is maintained in all barracks forprotection against fire, for the safety of personnel andmaterial, and for carrying out routines. A security watchstander is responsible for knowing and carrying out theprovisions of the fire bill, emergency bill, barracksregulations, and the like. The barracks security watchstander is responsible for maintaining prescribedstandards of order and discipline.If you are standing the security watch and an officerapproaches, you salute and sound off with your nameand rate. The formula for sounding off may vary fromplace to place, but it goes something like this: “Smith,Seaman, security watch, Barracks K, Sir/Ma’am.”A barracks security watch is usually a roving oneand, depending on the type of barracks, it may cover twoor more wings and/or decks. You must be alert to spotany fires that may be started by personnel smoking intheir bunks (which is against regulations). If you seeanyone smoking in a bunk, have that person put out thecigarette. Persons returning from liberty after taps mustbe prevented from disturbing the sleep of otherpersonnel. Watch standers have the additionalresponsibility of making sure that unauthorizedpersonnel don’t enter the barracks. Usually, you mustreport periodically to the duty officer in the barracksoffice or, in some instances, to the OOD by telephone.Normally, you report that all is secure; however, youmust report all disturbances and any unusualcircumstances, such as illness or mishap. You may alsohave to enforce taps and hold reveille.In the event of a fire, your duties are to do thefollowing:1. Report the fire. (Know the fire departmentnumber and the locations of the fire alarms.)2. Spread the alarm—pass the word. Ensure allpersonnel except fire parties are clear of thearea.3. If time permits, close doors and windows toconfine the fire and prevent drafts. Do notendanger yourself or others in this effort.4. Fight the fire if possible, using the properequipment at hand to extinguish the fire,pending the arrival of the fire department.SENTRIESSentries are required at a number of locations, suchas at gates to military bases, aboard ship, along a fence,or in a hangar. Although our discussion concerns asentry walking a post, the same provisions apply toother types of sentry watches.S e n t r i e s a r e g o v e r n e d b y t w o t y p e s o forders—general and special. General orders (which donot change) cover situations of a routine nature commonto most sentry posts. Special orders cover a certain timeor situation peculiar to a particular post and are issued inaddition to the general orders. Special orders may bewritten or verbal. Usually, written orders are issued by3-7Student Notes:
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