THE .38-CALIBER REVOLVERThe .38-caliber revolver is a cylinder-loading,single- or a double-action, manually operated handweapon (fig. 11-15). Several barrel lengths and weightsare available.THE .45-CALIBER SERVICE PISTOLThe .45-caliber service pistol (fig. 11-16) is anindividual weapon intended for use in close combat.T h e . 4 5 - c a l i b e r p i s t o l i s a s e m i a u t o m a t i c ,recoil-operated, magazine-fed hand weapon. Thepistol fires one round each time the trigger is squeezed.The pistol can be carried in either a hip or shoulderholster.The magazine holds seven cartridges. The forwardmovement of the slide strips the upper cartridge fromthe magazine into the chamber. After the last cartridgefrom the magazine has been fired, the slide remains inthe rear.Only your ability to change magazines, aim, andsqueeze the trigger rapidly limits the rate of fire of the.45-caliber service pistol.11-12Student Notes:Figure 11-15.—The .38-caliber revolver.Figure 11-16.—.45-caliber semiautomatic service pistol. (A) Assembled; (B) Sectional view in recoil position.
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