forward until it engages the bolt catch, and return thecharging handle to its forward position.4. Inspect the receiver and chamber of the weaponby looking through the ejection port to ensure thesespaces contain no ammunition.5. Check the selector lever to ensure it pointstoward SAFE; then allow the bolt to go forward bydepressing the upper portion of the bolt catch.CAUTIONThe selector must be on SAFE to preventdamage to the automatic sear during assemblyand disassembly.FIELD-STRIPPING THE RIFLEBefore you can field-strip a rifle, you must bequalified to do so. You will use instructions when youactually field-strip a rifle. Follow the procedures inthe instruction that deals with the weapon that you arefield stripping.LOADING THE MAGAZINEA magazine can come in either a 20- or 30-roundcapacity and may be loaded with any amount up to thatcapacity. The magazine follower has a raised portiongenerally resembling the outline of a cartridge.Cartridges are loaded into the magazine so the tips ofthe bullets point in the same direction as the raisedportion of the follower (fig. 11-12).CAUTIONDo not load or attempt to load more roundsthan what the magazine was designed for.Overloading deforms the lips of the magazineand can cause malfunctions.UNLOADING THE MAGAZINETo prevent damage to the lips of the magazine, youshould remove the ammunition in the following manner:1. Hold the magazine in your left hand with theopen end away from your body and with the nose of thecartridge down (fig. 11-13, view A).2. Depress the center of the second round in themagazine using the nose of the cartridge, allowing thefirst round to drop out of the magazine (fig. 11-13, viewB). Repeat this procedure until you remove all therounds from the magazine except the last one.3. Use the nose of the cartridge to depress thefollower to remove the last round, allowing the lastround to drop out of the magazine (fig. 11-13, view C).LOADING THE RIFLEWith the hammer cocked, place the selector lever onSAFE. (Refer to figure 11-8, view A.) Notice that youcan’t place the selector lever on SAFE unless the rifle iscocked. You may insert the magazine with the bolt andbolt carrier open or closed; however, you should learn toload with the bolt open. Loading with the bolt openreduces the possibility of first round stoppage and savesthe time needed to pull the charging handle to the rear.Hold the stock of the rifle under your right arm withyour right hand. Grasp the pistol grip; then point the11-7Student Notes:Figure 11-12.—Loading cartridges into the magazine,20 -round capacity.Figure 11-11.—Locking the bolt open.
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