REVIEW 2 QUESTIONSQ1. What type of ammo is the M-14 rifle chamberedto fire?Q2. W h e n f u l l y l o a d e d , t h e M - 1 4 w e i g h s__________.Q3. Identify the following rifle components as eitherM16A1 or M16A2.Q4. What is the first step in cleaning the M16 rifle?Q5. How many rounds does an M16 rifle carry?Q6. When loading the M16 rifle, why shouldn’t youride the charging handle forward?Q7. When the selector is set for burst, how manyrounds will the M16A2 fire?Q8. List the conditions that must exist to consider theM16 rifle clear.a.b.c.d.Q9. Where are the cleaning materials for the M16stored?REVOLVERS AND SERVICE PISTOLSLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the operating characteristics of the.38-caliber revolver.Recognize the procedures to follow whenloading and unloading the magazine, andunloading and cleaning the .45-caliber pistol.Identify the procedures for cleaning andmaintaining the .45-caliber pistol.Identify the safety devices of the 9mm caliberpistol.Recognize the procedures to follow whenloading and unloading the 9mm pistol.NOTEThe .38-caliber revolver and the .45-caliberservice pistol have been replaced by the 9mmpistol. However, small units may still carrythese revolvers and pistols in their allowance.11-11Student Notes:Component Riflea. Has a lighter barrel because ofthe ammunition firedb. Rear sights are adjusted bymeans of a windage knob andelevation knobc. Has a semiautomatic or burstfeatured. Fires a 5.56-mm round and a62-grain round
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