muzzle in a safe direction. With your left hand, insertthe loaded magazine into the magazine housing. Pushupward until the magazine catch engages and holds themagazine. Rap the base of the magazine sharply withthe heel of your hand to ensure positive retention. If theaction is open, release the bolt by depressing the upperportion of the bolt catch with the thumb of your lefthand, allowing the action to close, chambering theround. If the action is closed when the magazine isinserted, pull the charging handle fully to the rear withyour right hand and release it. (Refer to figure 11-10.)WARNINGDon’tride the charging handle forward withthe right hand. If the charging handle is easedforward from the open position, the bolt mayfail to lock. If the bolt fails to go fully forward,use the bolt closure forward assist assembly(fig. 11-4) with the heel of your right hand. Therifle is now loaded and is ready to fire when youplace the selector lever in the automatic orsemiautomatic position. If it is not ready to fire,make sure the selector lever is on SAFE.After the last round has been fired, the bolt catchholds the bolt carrier to the rear. To change the magazinefor reloading, press the magazine catch button andremove the empty magazine from the weapon.FIRING THE RIFLEThe rifle fires semiautomatic or burst (automaticfor the M16A1) when you move the selector lever tothe desired position. (Refer to figure 11-8.) With theselector lever in the semiautomatic position, the riflefires one round each time you pull the trigger. With theselector lever in the burst position, the M16A2 fires inshort bursts of three rounds. (NOTE: The M16A1rifle fires fully automatically and will continue to fireuntil the magazine is empty or you release thetrigger.) When the rifle is fired in either SEMI orBURST or AUTOMATIC, the bolt locks in the openposition when the last round from the magazine hasbeen fired.UNLOADING AND CLEARING THE RIFLEAs you read this section, refer back to figures 11-8,11-9, 11-10, and 11-11. To unload the rifle and make itsafe, place the selector lever on the SAFE position (fig.11-8); and remove the magazine by pressing themagazine release button (fig. 11-9). Pull the charginghandle to the rear (fig. 11-10), ejecting any round fromthe chamber. Inspect the chamber and receiver toensure that it is clear. Releasing the charging handlewill allow the bolt to close. To keep the bolt open,depress the lower portion of the bolt catch beforereturning the charging handle forward (fig. 11-11). Therifle is clear only when the following conditions exist:No case or round is in the chamber.The magazine is out.The bolt carrier is to the rear.11-8Student Notes:Figure 11-13.—Unloading the magazine with the nose of acartridge.
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