CLEARING THE RIFLEThe following maintenance procedures (clearing,field-stripping, assembling, etc.) for the M16 servicerifles are written for the right-handed Sailor. Theleft-handed Sailor can reverse the hand directions forthese procedures for the M16NOTEUnless specifically stated otherwise, thefollowing discussion of the M16 rifle appliesequally to both the M16A1 and M16A2.The first precaution you should take in handling anyweapon is to make it safe by clearing it. To clear the M16rifle, place the butt against the right thigh and proceed asfollows:1. Point the selector lever toward SAFE (fig. 11-8,view A). If the weapon is not cocked, the selector levercannot be pointed toward SAFE. If that is the case, do11-5Student Notes:COMPONENT M16A1 M16A2Barrel Lighter barrel because of ammunition fired Heavier barrel because of ammunition firedSights Rear sight uses a windage drum forwindage (fig. 11-5)Front sight is same as the M16A2 (fig.11-6)Rear sight is adjusted by means of awindage knob for windage and an elevationknob for elevation (fig.11-7)Selector assembly Has semiautomatic or fully automaticfeaturesHas a semiautomatic or burst (three rounds)featureAmmunitionFires a 5.56-mm round and a 62-grainNATO roundFires a 5.56-mm round and a 62-grainNATO roundHand guards Round and ridged, making them strongerand easier to grip than the M16A1 handguards. They are also interchangeable.Figure 11-5.—M16A1 windage drum.Figure 11-6.—Front sight for the M16A1 and theM16A2 rifle.
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